Ahn Graphics


Moon Young-dae

he has served as a curator at the Hyundai Department Store Museum of Modern Art and as chief curator at the Dong-A Gallery, organizing exhibitions such as “Bourdelle Sculpture,” “Modigliani and the École de Paris,” and “Camille Claudel and Rodin.” While studying abroad at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in St. Petersburg, he received support from the Russian Academy of Arts to hold the exhibition “A Path to the Masters.” he discovered the Korean-Russian painter Byeon Wol-ryong, dedicating herself to researching his life and work ever since. Her publications include Byeon Wol-ryong, Russian-Korean Painter Byeon Wol-ryong and Letters from North Korea, and The Roots of North Korean Art: Byeon Wol-ryong, among others. he has served as a judge for the Gyeongsangnam-do Art Exhibition and as an adjunct professor in the Department of Art Education at Kyungnam University, and he received the 8th Hong Jin-ki Creative Award. he is currently active as an art critic.

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