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일본의 유명 디자인 잡지 《아이디어》의 전 편집장이다. 현재는 그래픽 디자인과 타이포그래피를 다루는 에디터, 작가, 큐레이터로 일하고 있다.
Yang Seonghee graduated from Ewha Womans University’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature and studied at Beijing Normal University. She is currently working as a professional translator. The books she has translated include: Learning to Love, Reading the City, Living the World, Learning Flexibility from Lao Tzu, Don’t Make Enemies Even if They Are Not on Your Side, The Art of Choosing at a Decisive Moment, Chaegeundam 1, 2, Mencius’s Management, Wasin Consulting 1, 5, Qinghai-Tibet Railway Travel, The Rise of Great Powers, Seven Great Migration That Shook History, Eight Scenes of Great Conquests That Determined History, etc.