Kwon Jin is a contemporary art researcher and curator and currently works as the project director of the Seoul Mediacity Biennale at the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA). He has been at the SeMA since 2016 after working at ARKO Art Center and the 4th Anyang Public Art Project (APAP), where he curated Ahn Sang-soo’s solo exhibition Nalgae.pati (2017), Latin American Contemporary Art Exhibition Work for the Future Past (2017–2018), Middle Eastern Contemporary Art Exhibition gohyang: home (2019–2020), and Lee Bul’s solo exhibition LEE BUL—Beginning (2021) and compiled the accompanying book. His major works include “The Allegory of ‘Beginning’” (LEE BUL—Beginning, Seoul Museum of Art; BB&M; MediaBus; BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE, 2021) and “Garden and mountain going too, as we slowly walk” (Kang Seung Lee, Gallery Hyundai, 2024).
Kwon Jin
다른 사람들
Specialized in Korean typography at Kaywon University of Art and Design. Focused on font production, he is an active member of the design studio FORMULA. He has released typefaces such as 「Cheongwol」, 「Cheongjo」, 「Choseol」, 「Goyo」, 「Shinsegae」, 「Tal」, 「Classic」, 「Giha」, and 「Omin」. Passionate about creating typefaces, he enjoys the process of detecting and studying subtle differences in letterforms.
서울대학교 서양학과를 졸업한 뒤 ‘LHOOQ’란 이름의 화실을 열고 드물게 작업을 했다. 우연히 글을 쓰기 시작해 2012학년도 고등학교 미술교과서를 공저했다. 미술기법 이론서와 함께 새로운 작업을 궁리 중이다. -
홍익대학교와 같은 학교 산업미술대학원을 졸업했다. 서울그라픽센터 연구원, 타이포하우스와 인터그라픽 크리에이티브디렉터, (주)푸른감성 제작이사, 한국시각정보디자인협회 부회장, 한국타이포그라피학회 부회장, 한국기초조형학회 부회장 등을 지냈다. 타이포잔치를 비롯한 국내외의 크고 작은 전시에 참여했다. 현재 명지전문대학 커뮤니케이션디자인과에서 타이포그래피를 강의하고 있다. -
Zo Za-yong
Born in Hwangju, Hwanghae-do, he graduated from Pyongyang Teachers’ College (平壤師範學校) at the age of 18 and briefly worked as an elementary school teacher. After the liberation of Korea, he moved south, worked as a houseboy for the U.S. military, and at 22, went to study in the United States. He graduated from Wesleyan College and Vanderbilt University and earned a master’s degree in Structural Engineering from Harvard University. Returning to Korea in 1954, he pursued a career in … -
서울대학교 미술대학과 동 대학원에서 서양화를 공부했다. 미국 드렉셀대학교(Drexel University)에서 실내디자인 석사학위를, 경북대학교 공과대학원에서 건축계획전공 박사학위를 취득했다. 현재 인제대학교 디자인학부 교수로 재직하고 있다. -
Lim Dae-geun
Im Dae-geun graduated from the Department of Western Painting and the Graduate School of Art Theory at Seoul National University and completed the Ph.D. coursework in Art History at the University of Melbourne. Since 1997, he has been primarily responsible for exhibition planning at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), organizing notable exhibitions such as «Multiple/Dialogues∞» (2009), «Untitled» (2015), «Cracks» (2018), «Park Iso: Records and Recollections» (2018), «MMCA … -
Yoo Ji-won
Yoo Ji-won is designer who loves books and letters. She majored in visual design at Seoul National University’s Department of Industrial Design and worked as a book designer at Minsumsa. He received an artistic scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, majored in typography at the Leipzig University of Graphic and Book Arts, and was a BK Research Professor at Hongik University’s Metadesign Center. Since then, he has taught typography and editorial design at Seoul … -
네임리스건축은 아이디어 기반의 설계사무소이다. 나은중과 유소래는 각각 홍익대학교와 고려대학교에서 건축을 공부하고 U.C 버클리 건축대학원을 졸업했다. 2010년 뉴욕에서 네임리스건축을 개소한 뒤 서울로 사무실을 확장했으며, 예측 불허한 세상에 단순함의 구축을 통해 건축과 도시 그리고 문화적 사회현상을 탐구하고 있다. 2012년과 2017년 문화체육관광부 오늘의 젊은예술가상, 미국건축연맹 젊은건축가상, AIA뉴욕건축가협회상, 보스턴건축가협회상, 김수근건축상 프리뷰상 등을 수상했다. -
Yoo Yoon-seok
Practice Designer. -
Jiang Difei
An architect who graduated from the Graduate School of Architecture at Tsinghua University (清華大學) and earned a Ph.D. in Urban Design from Tongji University(同济大学) and a Ph.D. in Geography from Peking University(北京大学). Currently, he serves as the Dean of the School of Architecture and Art at Central South University and as a professor at Peking University. He is the Vice President of the Hunan Provincial Architectural Society and the Hunan Provincial Architectural Artists Association, as well as … -
Yoo Jung-sook
She graduated from Seoul Women’s University with a BFA in Visual Design and received her MFA in Typography from the same graduate school. After studying at Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany, she earned her Ph.D. in communication design at Bergische Universität Wuppertal and served as a research professor in the Department of Visual Design at Seoul Women’s University. Currently, she lectures at various universities and serves as a mid-career research officer of the National Research … -
Korean Society of Typography
The Korean Society of Typography (hereafter KST) is an academic organization in South Korea, started in 2009. The KST supports many design activities to diversify the visual communication field. Some of which include the journal LetterSeed , academic conferences, annual exhibitions as well special committees on Korean typography, typographic terminology, digital typography education, international typography biennale, and a diverse range of research.