Ahn Graphics


Kwon Jin


Kwon Jin is a contemporary art researcher and curator and currently works as the project director of the Seoul Mediacity Biennale at the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA). He has been at the SeMA since 2016 after working at ARKO Art Center and the 4th Anyang Public Art Project (APAP), where he curated Ahn Sang-soo’s solo exhibition Nalgae.pati (2017), Latin American Contemporary Art Exhibition Work for the Future Past (2017–2018), Middle Eastern Contemporary Art Exhibition gohyang: home (2019–2020), and Lee Bul’s solo exhibition LEE BUL—Beginning (2021) and compiled the accompanying book. His major works include “The Allegory of ‘Beginning’” (LEE BUL—Beginning, Seoul Museum of Art; BB&M; MediaBus; BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE, 2021) and “Garden and mountain going too, as we slowly walk” (Kang Seung Lee, Gallery Hyundai, 2024).

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