M.A., ATR-BC, Senior Researcher at the Public Design Research Center at Hongik University’s Graduate School and the founder of PSDI (Psychosocial Design Initiative) Research Lab. She focuses on researching and practicing socially prescriptive design for diversity, inclusion, and sustainability. Previously, she worked on museum projects for families with autism at the Autism Initiative team of the Queens Museum’s Art Access program. Later, at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, she planned and piloted new art therapy projects for elderly individuals with cognitive impairments and their families, aiming for an inclusive museum experience. She was also a founding member of the Purme Foundation Nexon Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital, where she served as an art therapist and supervisor, managing the art therapy department and providing therapy, counseling, and education. She holds a B.F.A. in Industrial Design from Hongik University and an M.A. in Creative Arts Therapy from Hofstra University in New York. She is an international member of the American Psychological Association, a Board-Certified Art Therapist (ATR-BC) in the U.S. with supervisory qualifications, and a licensed curator in Korea for museums and galleries. Her co-authored book Creating Safety Through Public Design (2024) and translated work Art Therapy for Developmental/ Learning Disabilities: A Humanistic Approach (2019) reflect her dedication to the intersection of art, therapy, and design.
Joo ha-na
다른 사람들
Yang Sunghee studied architecture in college. After studying publishing translation at GIbab Academy, she is currently a member of Barun Translation and a professional Japanese translator. The books she translated include Treasured Stories of Ryunosuke Akutagawa (co-translation) and Natural Interior Decorated with DIY.
리처드 해리스
캐나다 토론토에서 활동 중인 소설가. 편집과 번역 작업을 병행하고 있다. 지은 책으로 『A Father’s Son』 『Roadmap to Korean』 등이 있다. -
제주대학교 건축학부 교수. 동아대학교를 졸업하고 일본 교토대학(京都大学)에서 석·박사 학위를 취득했다. 일본 효고현(兵庫県) 장수사회기구 연구원, 경남기업 실버사업부 과장으로 근무했다. 전공 분야는 고령자시설계획이며, 지역사회 기반의 고령자 정주 환경에 대해 연구하고 있다. 또한 제주지역 연구자로서 제주라는 땅 위에 축적된 흔적과 가치, 더 나아가 공존하는 도시 건축의 지향점을 지속적으로 탐색 중이다. 다수의 강연과 언론 기고를 통해 건축 문화의 대중화에도 노력을 기울이고 있다. 지은 책으로 『고령화사회의 주거공간학』 『제주도시건축을 이야기하다』 등이 있다. -
Ryu Biho
Since his first solo exhibition Steel Sun in 2000, she has been working with contemporary artists, exhibition curators, and media sociologists to co-organize and research new artistic activities in a media-connected society, such as Art Practice through Hacking (2001) and Parasite-Tactical Media Networks (2004-2006). While organizing and executing these activities, he has also executed various projects such as Dramatic Practice (2010), Co-operative Escape (2010), Twinfix (2011), In My Sky at … -
Jan Tschichold
1902년 독일 인쇄 산업의 중심지였던 라이프치히에서 태어났다. 라이프치히그래픽서적예술대학(Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig)에서 캘리그래피와 타이포그래피를 공부했다. 1923년 바우하우스 전시를 관람한 뒤, 1925년 《타이포그래피 보고서(Typographische Mitteilung)》에 「기본적인 타이포그래피(Elementare Typographie)」를 실어 유럽 인쇄업계에 이름을 알렸고, 1928년 현대적 그래픽 디자인 안내서인 『새로운 타이포그래피(Die neue Typographie)』를 발표해 새로운 타이포그래피와 관련된 논쟁을 촉발시켰다. 1933년 나치의 탄압으로 스위스로 이주한 뒤, 1935년, 과거 자신의 이론을 완숙하게 발전시켜 정리한 『타이포그래픽 디자인(Typographische Gestaltung)』을 발표했다. 1947년에서 1949년까지 영국 펭귄북스(Penguin Books)에서 아트디렉터로 일했다. … -
Jung Eui-chul
He studied design at Seoul National University and the Institute of Design (ID) at the Illinois Institute of Technology. During his undergraduate years, he founded the design group ABLE Inc. and worked on numerous product and UX projects at TriGem Computer and the HCI Research Lab at Motorola’s headquarters in the U.S. He has received the Korea Industrial Design Award and the Red Dot Design Competition Award. He has served as an Adjunct Faculty member at the Illinois Institute of Technology and … -
Son Boo-kyung
Graduated from the Department of Art Theory at Hongik University and earned a master’s degree from the same university with research on spatial experiences in Minimalism and New Media Art. Co-translated works such as 40 Essential Readings in Art Theory and Criticism, 21 Terms for Media Criticism, and Postproduction. Published papers including “Jeffrey Shaw’s New Media Installation Art”, “Medial Turns in Korean Avant-Garde”, and “Binghamton Letters: A Study on Nam June Paik’s … -
Choi Hyuk-kyoo
A member of the steering committee at the Center for Cultural Society and a former activist with the Cultural Action. Currently works in the field of cultural education. Maintains a steady interest in technology, culture, and labor while studying cultural theory and social sciences. -
케임브리지대학교(University of Cambridge) 교육학 박사과정을 수료했다. 지금은 고려대학교 평생교육원 사회교육실 연구원으로, 교사들을 위한 프로그램을 개발하고 있다. -
Piers Bizony
A science journalist, filmmaker, and book creator, he began his career as a portrait photographer in London and has contributed articles on science, aerospace, and cosmology to various magazines in the UK and the US. From 2012 to 2018, he worked closely with Stanley Kubrick’s family on book projects and international exhibitions commemorating Kubrick’s films 2001: A Space Odyssey and Dr. Strangelove . He collaborated with NASA on a major retrospective celebrating its most iconic missions for … -
Choi Kyeong-hwa
Author of Portugal, Where Time Stands Still and A Walk Through Spanish Art Museums . She has also translated Korean-language guides for Spain’s renowned museums and landmarks, including the Prado Museum. Currently, she resides in Portugal. -
Chung Yeon-shim
Chung Yeon-shim is professor of Art History and Theory (예술학과) at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea. She received her Ph.D. in art history at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Dr Chung’s research interests encompass both modern and contemporary Western and East Asian art. Before teaching at Hongik, Dr Chung was an assistant professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and a researcher for the exhibition The World of Nam June Paik at the Guggenheim …