M.A., ATR-BC, Senior Researcher at the Public Design Research Center at Hongik University’s Graduate School and the founder of PSDI (Psychosocial Design Initiative) Research Lab. She focuses on researching and practicing socially prescriptive design for diversity, inclusion, and sustainability. Previously, she worked on museum projects for families with autism at the Autism Initiative team of the Queens Museum’s Art Access program. Later, at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, she planned and piloted new art therapy projects for elderly individuals with cognitive impairments and their families, aiming for an inclusive museum experience. She was also a founding member of the Purme Foundation Nexon Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital, where she served as an art therapist and supervisor, managing the art therapy department and providing therapy, counseling, and education. She holds a B.F.A. in Industrial Design from Hongik University and an M.A. in Creative Arts Therapy from Hofstra University in New York. She is an international member of the American Psychological Association, a Board-Certified Art Therapist (ATR-BC) in the U.S. with supervisory qualifications, and a licensed curator in Korea for museums and galleries. Her co-authored book Creating Safety Through Public Design (2024) and translated work Art Therapy for Developmental/ Learning Disabilities: A Humanistic Approach (2019) reflect her dedication to the intersection of art, therapy, and design.
Joo ha-na
다른 사람들
1954년 출생. 건축역사가. 아시아 도시·건축·공간 역사, 아시아 근대 건축 및 지역의 보존과 재생을 연구하고 있다. 종합지구 환경학 연구소, 도쿄 대학 생산기술 연구소 교수, 차세대에 전하고 싶은 건축물을 위한 국제 나카나카 유산위원회 공동대표. 어린이 건축학교에서는 2011년부터 강사를 담당하고 있다.
Kwon Myung-kwang
Graphic designer. Distinguished Professor at Sangmyung University. 15th President of Hongik University, Honorary Professor of Hongik University. He graduated from summer term at Osaka University of the Arts, Japan in 1974 and Hongik University, Faculty of Crafts and Graduate School of Visual Design in 1974. Since 2006, he has been an advisor to the Animation Society of Korea, a standing advisor to the Korean Federation of Design Associations (KFDA), and a standing advisor to the Visual … -
Hans Rudolf Bosshard
Born in 1929, he completed an apprenticeship in typesetting and later worked as an instructor. He taught photography and graphic design at various colleges and at the Zurich School of Design, while also serving as a teacher at the Zurich School of Industrial Design, where he developed lifelong learning programs in typographic design. His work spans book design for the cultural sector, exhibition catalogs, posters, and exhibition and installation design. A prolific writer, he has authored … -
홍익대학교에서 시각디자인을 전공했다. 이후 파슨스스쿨오브디자인(Parsons School of Design)에서 사진을 전공하고, 첼시칼리지오브아트앤드디자인(Chelsea College of Art & Design)에서 순수미술로 석사 과정을 마쳤다. 귀국한 뒤 작품 활동을 하며 대학에서 강의하고 있다. 2004년 〈Family〉, 2007년 〈금호영아티스트: Pink & White〉, 2012년 〈Broken But〉을 포함해 네 차례의 개인전을 가졌으며, 시립미술관과 경기도미술관 등에서 다수의 그룹전에 참여했다. 2008년 쌈지스페이스 장기 거주 작가, 2011년 닻프레스 북메이킹 스튜디오 프로그램에 참여하기도 했다. 서울시립미술관, 금호미술관, 경기도미술관, 한국영상자료원, 쌈지스페이스에 작품이 소장되어 있다. -
Kim Min-jung
She has worked as an editor for various magazines from Casa Living to the monthly Design . She loves the eclecticism of magazines, is interested in how to translate design into language, and specializes in planning and creating content. She is currently the editor-in-chief of C , a magazine published by GrandeClip. -
Cynthia Busic-Snyder
Cynthia Busic-Snyder was born in central Ohio, where she was raised with two brothers by depression-era working class parents. She studied Visual Communication Design in the Department of Industrial Design at the Ohio State University where she developed an interest in both practicing and teaching graphic design. After working as a graphic designer and art director (identity, point of purchase, signage systems and print for both retail and business to business clients internationally) she … -
Cheon Sang-hyun
Graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design at Hongik University, he is an editorial designer and picture book planner. Currently, he is the head of Sang Publishing, a publishing house specializing in creative picture books. From 2008 to 2011, he published 《Picture Book Imagination》, Korea’s first magazine dedicated to picture books. He has been involved in planning and organizing the CJ Picture Book Festival, an international picture book exhibition linked to the CJ Picture … -
디자인파크의 대표이자 대한민국 디자인전 초대작가이며 지식경제부 우정사업본부의 우표심의위원이다. 중앙대 예술대학과 건국대 교육대학원을 졸업했다. 대기업의 디자인실에서 아트디렉터로 일하던 중, 1988 서울올림픽 마스코트 ‘호돌이’ 작업을 시작으로 ‘디자인파크’라는 사무실을 내걸고, 400건이 넘는 기업 디자인 작업을 해왔다. 지갑 속 카드부터 청와대 상징물까지, 디자인한 이미지가 한국인과 더불어 산다. 기업이미지통합(CI)과 브랜드 아이덴티티(BI) 분야에서 첫 손 꼽히는 전문가다. 호랑이해인 2010년, 디자이너 데뷔 40주년을 맞았다. -
Chung Byoung-kyoo
An editorial designer who graduated from Korea University with a degree in French Literature and studied design at École Estienne in Paris. In 1979, he co-founded the editorial company Yeoreogaji Munje Yeonguso with writer Lee Yoon-ki and later established Jung Byung-kyu Design in 1985, which continues to this day. He has served as a Specialist for the Seoul Olympics, President of the Korean Society of Visual Information Design, and President of the Korean Society for Image Culture. His career … -
Florencia Colombo
Florencia Colombo, a Switzerland-based architect, designs cultural projects with a creative focus. She works across architecture, contemporary art, and design, developing interdisciplinary academic exhibitions and publications for various international institutions. -
마틴 솔즈베리
영국 앵글리아러스킨대학교(Anglia Ruskin University)의 일러스트레이션 학과 교수로, 그림책과 어린이책 일러스트레이터의 예술성을 알리기 위해 노력하고 있다. 저서로는 『플레이 펜(Play Pen)』 『어린이책과 일러스트레이션(Illustrating Children’s Books)』 등이 있다. -
Jan Middendorp
Jan Middendorp is an author, researcher, and designer living in Berlin. He has edited and written books and articles about typography, design and the performing arts; designed printed matter for publishers and non-profit organizations; worked as a consultant and editor to the type world.