한국예술종합학교 영상원에서 영상이론을, 싱가포르국립대학교에서 동남아시아학을 공부했다. 『갈색의 세계사』 『가난을 팝니다』 『아름다움 그것은 상처』 등을 우리말로 옮겼다.
Graduated from the Graduate School of Industrial Arts at Hongik University and has been actively involved as a member of the Korean Society of Brand Design, the Korean Society of Basic Visual Design, and VIDAK, as well as an invited designer at the Korea Industrial Design Exhibition. In 2005, served as a visiting professor at the University of Washington (UW) and is currently a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Dankook University’s College of Arts. Authored Brand Package Design (Dankook University Press, 2004).