Dr Géraldine Borio is the founder of Borio Lab and an Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture. Dr Borio is a Swiss-registered architect who holds a PhD in architecture from RMIT, Australia, as well as a master’s degree in architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Invested widely in knowledge transmission through teaching, research and publication, Dr Borio has conducted numerous workshops and lectures worldwide. Prior to that, she co-founded Parallel Lab (2010-2015) and has been working with various firms in Tokyo, Beijing and Hong Kong. Her research and her architectural work have been exhibited at Vitra Museum; Rotterdam Architecture Biennale; M+ Museum, Hong Kong; the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism; Zurich University of the Arts; Saint-Etienne Design Biennale; Beijing Design Week; Hong Kong School of Design; and the ICI Curatorial Hub, New York. Amongst other publications, she is the author of the books Looking for the Voids (Park Books, 2023) and co-author of Hong Kong In-Between (MCCM Creations & Park Books, 2015).
Géraldine Borio
다른 사람들
She graduated from Hongik University and Hochschule der Kuenste, Berlin, and received her PhD in Fine Arts from Hongik University Graduate School. She is a professor of art education at Gongju University College of Education, and has been experimenting with design and initiative. She is constantly reading the time and space of discarded objects. She has held ten solo exhibitions and participated in more than 40 group exhibitions. He is the author of Basic Design , a co-authored book, and a …
Jeong Min-ju
After studying Industrial Design and International Business at Carnegie Mellon University, she worked as a product designer, participating in projects for medical devices and various consumer electronics. She later earned a master’s degree in Design and Branding Strategy from Brunel University. Recently, her focus has shifted to research on platform strategy and service design. -
Shur Ki-heun
Graphic designer and professor in the Department of Visual Design at Gachon University. He has served as the president of the Korea Society of Visual Information Design and the Korea Society of Basic Design & Art. He received the Art Division Award at the 2008 Korean Culture and Arts Awards and the Education Division Award at the 2012 Korea New Knowledge Management Awards. -
서울대학교 지리학과를 졸업하고 프랑스 파리 사회과학고등연구원EHESS 에서 사진영상학으로 석사학위와 박사학위를 받았다. 중부대학교, 연세대학교, 홍익대학교에서 사진미학, 사진과 현대미술의 관계, 영상미학, 매체미학, 예술론 등을 강의했으며 현재는 서울대학교 인문대학 미학과 부교수로 있다. 저서로 『롤랑 바르트, 밝은 방』(2018)과 『다큐멘터리 사진의 두 얼굴』(공저, 2012), 논문으로 「롤랑 바르트의 ‘그것이-존재-했음’, 놀라움, 광기」(2017) 「롤랑 바르트의 사진 수용론 재고」(2016) 「빌렘 플루서의 매체미학: 기술이미지와 사진」(2015) 「빌렘 플루서의 사진과 기술이미지 수용론」(2015) 「롤랑 바르트의 어두운 방: 사진의 특수성」(2010) 등이 있다. -
Kim Soo-jeong
He graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Hannam University and the Department of Advertising Design at Hongik University Graduate School of Industrial Arts. He edited and planned Picturebook Imagination , a magazine specializing in creative picture books and picture books at a commercial publishing house, and was the head of the planning team for the 1st CJ Picture Book Festival and a member of the 1st and 2nd primary jury. He is currently the head of Soojung Edition, and has been … -
Lee Jeong-eun
Lee Jeong-eun received her master’s degree from the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She worked at RTKL, MAD, and Callison, where she participated in many large-scale mixed-use projects in China. He is currently a designer at the architectural firm AUD. -
Song Taewook
He graduated from Yonsei University’s Department of Korean Language and Literature and received his Ph.D. from the same graduate school. He was a researcher at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and is currently a university lecturer and translator. He is the author of The Renaissance Man Kim Seung-ok (co-author), and the translator of I Am a Cat, The Heart, The Light of Illusion, Story of the Crusades, Cut Off, Those Praying Hands, The Birth of Form, We All Return Home, and other … -
Yang Yekyu
Graduated from Dongduk Women’s University College of Arts, Department of Visual Design and its graduate school, and completed the web design course at Fashion Institute Technology (F.I.T) in New York, USA. Worked as a designer at the advertising production team of Samhee Planning Co., Ltd., the predecessor of advertising agency Hancom Co., Ltd., and taught CI and computer graphics at Dongduk Women’s University Department of Visual Design. Currently working as the head of the design … -
We are Architects, who think, create, enjoy and share everyday Architecture. The title ‘ArchiWorkshop’ has two meanings. One is ‘workshop of artisans’, and the other is the meaning of ‘attacking and defending to each other through discussion’. From a result perspective of view, architecture is a visual work. But at the same time, its origin accompanies philosophy and rational thinking. For that reason, we discuss and converse as much as sketching and this … -
Yim Seock-jae
An architectural historian and architect, born in Seoul in 1961. He graduated from the Department of Architecture at Seoul National University, earned a master’s degree from the University of Michigan, and completed a Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania with research on French Enlightenment architecture. In 1994, he established the Department of Architecture at Ewha Womans University as its founding professor, where he continues to serve. His extensive and profound research transcends time … -
미셸 파스투로
중세 문장학의 대가이며, 색채 분야에 관한 한 최초의 국제적 전문가다. 1947년 파리에서 태어났고 소르본 대학교와 국립 고문서 학교에서 공부했다. 1968년부터 색의 역사를 학술적 주제로 연구하기 시작하여, 중세의 색에 관한 첫 논문을 1977년에 발표하였다. 1982년에는 고등연구실천원(EPHE) 역사·문헌학 분과 연구 책임자로 선출되어 이후 28년 동안 색의 역사와 상징, 중세 동물에 대한 강의를 했다. 로잔 대학과 제네바 대학 등 유럽 명문 대학의 초빙 교수를 지내며 유럽 사회의 상징과 이미지에 대하여 다양한 세미나를 진행했다. 프랑스 학사원의 객원 회원이며, 프랑스 문장학 및 인장학 협회 회장이기도 하다. 저서 『파랑의 역사』 (2000)로 세계적인 명성을 얻었으며, 『검정의 역사』, 『초록의 역사』, 『빨강의 역사』, 『노랑의 역사』 등을 연이어 발표하면서 색의 역사를 다양한 역사적 사실과 풍부한 인문 사회학적 지식을 곁들여 소개하고 있다. 최근에는 『색의 인문학』 , … -
Oh Byung-keun
His teaching and research focuses on visualization for information and knowledge transfer. He is also interested in design-centered and interdisciplinary approaches for desirable interactions between humans and information, humans and media, and humans and space. He received his B.A. and Ph.D. in design from Seoul National University and his M.F.A. from New York University Graduate Center, and is currently a professor of visual design at Yonsei University, College of Design and Art. His books …