Ahn Graphics




Born in 1983 in South Korea. He earned a master’s degree in graphic design from Tama Art University Graduate School of Art and completed the TOMSBOX Picture Book Workshop training program in 2009. In 2010, she won the Jury Prize from art director Morimoto Chie at the Illustrated Notes (Seibundo Shinkosha) Notes exhibition, and in 2014, she was selected as Illustrator of the Year at La Fiera del Libroper Ragazzi di Bologna (Bologna International Children’s Book Fair) in Italy. She works as an illustrator MERRY-MJ between Japan and Korea. He is the author of “GooGoo and the Red Button” (Ehonjuku Shuppan, 2013) and co-author of “Now, What Are You Doing?” (Popotame, 2021).


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