Ahn Graphics


Hori Michihiro


Hori Michihiro is a lacquer craftsman, manga artist and author from Toyama. He graduated from Takaoka National College (now University of Toyama, School of Art and Design) with a major in lacquerware and Ishikawa Prefectural Wajima-nuri Lacquerware Training Institute. After working for a cultural property restoration company and as a craftsman in a lacquer workshop, he made his debut as a manga artist in 2003 and has been active in the fields of lacquer and manga ever since. He is the author of several books, including Seishun Uruwashi! URUSHIBU (青春うるはし! うるし部). He conducts kintsugi workshops called “Kintsugibu” (金継ぎ部) in various parts of Japan to promote the relaxed and free style of kintsugi.

Hori Michihiro의 책

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