Starting her journey in design in the Department of Visual Communication Design at Hongik University, she worked as a GUI designer at LG Electronics’ Design Management Center. She pursued Museum Studies at Syracuse University in New York and gained practical experience as an intern at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea and the Orange County Museum of Art in the United States. She earned her Ph.D. in Arts Administration from Florida State University. She honed her skills at the Getty Center and Getty Villa in Los Angeles, contributing to various research projects related to design museums and art institutions. As a member of the Korean Society of Design Science, she co-authored the chapter 「Form Exercises and Lighting Design」 in the 『Basic Design Textbook』 and published the English monograph 『Design Museum Management』. Currently, she serves as a professor in the Department of General Studies and the School of Design and Human Engineering at UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology).
Lee Hyun-kyung
다른 사람들
비유에스아키텍츠건축사사무소는 세 명의 파트너 박지현, 우승진, 조성학이 이끄는 건축설계사무소다. 건축과 공간을 매개로 일어날 수 있는 유의미한 상상력에 기반해 도시, 문화, 사람 사이의 다양한 관계 설정에 주목한다. 건축의 ‘구축’보다 ‘과정’에 집중해 작업을 이어간다. 이런 맥락에서 비유에스는 철자 그대로 버스(BUS)라는 소통 의식에 대한 의지와 규정되지 않은 시작점(By Undefined Scale)이라는 방법론을 가리킨다. 현재 두 명의 직원 차승훈, 김수빈과 함께 다양한 프로젝트를 진행한다.
Kim Nan-Ju
Graduated from Kyung Hee University’s Department of Korean Language and Literature, and received a master’s degree in modern Japanese literature from Showa Women’s University in Japan. Currently working as a translator specializing in Japanese literature. Books she has translated include Between Coolness and Passion: Rosso , Kitchen , The Doctor’s Beloved Formulas , The Tale of Genji , I Am a Cat , Voyage Through Stars , The Newcomer , etc. -
서강대학교 사학과를 졸업하고, 동국대학교 대학원에서 미술사학으로 석사와 박사 학위를 받았다. 1991년부터 간송미술관에서 우리 역사와 문화에 대한 안목을 길러 왔고, 조선시대 회화를 중심으로 우리 문화와 미술에 대한 강연과 글쓰기를 활발하게 하고 있다. 현재 간송미술관 연구실장으로 있으면서 동국대학교, 이화여자대학교 등에서 한국과 동양의 미술에 관해 가르친다. 지은 책으로 『조선의 묵죽』 『선비의 향기 그림으로 만나다』와 공저서 『추사와 그의 시대』 『진경문화』 등이 있고, 「탄은 이정」 「조선 중기 수묵문인화 연구」 「조선 왕조 도석화」 「삼청첩의 역사성 연구」 등 다수의 논문이 있다. -
Lim Taehee
After completing a research program in Architecture at Kyoto University, he returned to South Korea and gained six years of practical experience in the field. He later went back to Japan and earned a Ph.D. in Architecture from Kyoto Institute of Technology. Currently, he runs Im Taehee Design Studio, continuing to work on various projects. -
Lee Ju-yeon
An architectural critic, journalist, and architectural culture planner. Former editor-in-chief of the architecture and design magazine 《SPACE》, and currently a contributing editor for the architectural critique journal 《(WIDE AR)》. Focuses on the social and public aspects of architecture, as well as its relationship with civil society and urban communities. -
Sung Sang-woo
Graduated from Waseda University, Department of Architecture. After working at several design offices, he founded a0100z space design with his life partner in 2009. Currently, he is building a series of houses called ‘House with a Worn Threshold’ and ‘Together’, and runs Jeongchu Seodang in Yongsu Village, Yongin, where he talks about humanities and gives a lecture on humanities architecture called ‘House is Meaning’. -
대학에서 문헌정보학을 공부했다. 《나일론》 매거진 피처 어시스턴트를 시작으로 《어라운드》 매거진, 안그라픽스에서 에디터로 일했다. 회사에 다니며 크고 작은 브랜드와 협업했고, 지금은 프리랜스 에디터 겸 아트 디렉터로 활동한다. 지은 책으로 『20킬로그램의 삶』이 있다. ‘작은 집에서, 넓은 사람과, 깊은 마음으로’ 살기를 꿈꾼다. -
Ito Toyo
Toyo Ito (born 1 June 1941) is a Japanese architect known for creating conceptual architecture, in which he seeks to simultaneously express the physical and virtual worlds. He is a leading exponent of architecture that addresses the contemporary notion of a “simulated” city, and has been called “one of the world’s most innovative and influential architects.” In 2013, Ito was awarded the Pritzker Prize, one of architecture’s most prestigious prizes. He was a … -
Sofie Beier
Sofie Beier is an internationally recognized researcher in typeface legibility and professor WSR at the Royal Danish Academy. She has a long career in academic research and is the author of several books and numerous academic articles on typography and legibility. -
Lee Yong-je
Lee Yong-je studied visual design at Hongik University and was the first designer to receive a PhD in Hangul design from the same graduate school. He worked at the Hangeul Design Institute from 1999-2003, and since 2004, he has been running ‘Hangeul Space’, a space for research and design. He has designed numerous fonts, including ‘꽃길’, a font for vertical writing, and ‘아리따’, a typeface for Amorepacific. Recently, he has been focusing on ‘ink-saving … -
Jiyo Architects
Kim Se-jin is an architectural practice founded in 2015 after graduating from Seoul National University’s Department of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture. His architectural work begins with the surface of paper and evolves into profound expressions of individuality and universal sensory experience. He served as a Seoul Public Architect in 2016 and has taught at Seoul National University’s design studio. Her accolades include winning the design competition for the Chebu-dong … -
제주대학교 건축학부 교수. 동아대학교를 졸업하고 일본 교토대학(京都大学)에서 석·박사 학위를 취득했다. 일본 효고현(兵庫県) 장수사회기구 연구원, 경남기업 실버사업부 과장으로 근무했다. 전공 분야는 고령자시설계획이며, 지역사회 기반의 고령자 정주 환경에 대해 연구하고 있다. 또한 제주지역 연구자로서 제주라는 땅 위에 축적된 흔적과 가치, 더 나아가 공존하는 도시 건축의 지향점을 지속적으로 탐색 중이다. 다수의 강연과 언론 기고를 통해 건축 문화의 대중화에도 노력을 기울이고 있다. 지은 책으로 『고령화사회의 주거공간학』 『제주도시건축을 이야기하다』 등이 있다.