Ahn Graphics


Lee Hyun-kyung


Starting her journey in design in the Department of Visual Communication Design at Hongik University, she worked as a GUI designer at LG Electronics’ Design Management Center. She pursued Museum Studies at Syracuse University in New York and gained practical experience as an intern at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea and the Orange County Museum of Art in the United States. She earned her Ph.D. in Arts Administration from Florida State University. She honed her skills at the Getty Center and Getty Villa in Los Angeles, contributing to various research projects related to design museums and art institutions. As a member of the Korean Society of Design Science, she co-authored the chapter 「Form Exercises and Lighting Design」 in the 『Basic Design Textbook』 and published the English monograph 『Design Museum Management』. Currently, she serves as a professor in the Department of General Studies and the School of Design and Human Engineering at UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology).

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