서강대학교 영문과를 졸업하고 출판사에서 일하며 다양한 책을 편집했다. 현재 프리랜서 번역자로 국내 주요 미술관과 기업을 위해 일하고 있다. 옮긴 책으로 『책 형태에 관한 책』 『빅게임: 매일의 사물들』 『타이포그래피 첫 원칙』 『100권의 디자인 잡지』 『디자이너, 디자이너 훔쳐보기』 『그래픽 디자인 도서관』 『걸작의 공간』 등이 있다.
Lee Su-yeong graduated from the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University and the Graduate School of Comparative Literature at the same school. She has worked as an editor, journalist, and exhibition organizer, and began translating humanities books such as Bandit: A History of Healing. She has translated the novels Even the Dogs, Wildlife, and I Am Number Four, the memoir My Korean Delhi, and the travelogue Your Siberia. When she wants to indulge her eyes and rejuvenate her soul, she translates design books.