영상 애니메이션을 전공한 뒤 SBS디지털뉴스랩 작전콘텐츠팀에서 디자이너로 일하며 〈스브스뉴스〉 〈문명특급〉 등 다양한 브랜드 및 콘텐츠 디자인을 총괄하고 있다. 2021년부터는 친환경 커머스 브랜드 175플래닛의 디자인도 겸하고 있다.
He is on the executive team of the Parsons Institute for Information Mapping(PIIM) New School. He currently teaches at Parsons School of Design. He has worked at Rudolf de Harak & Associates, Peter Schmidt Studio(Hamburg, Germany), and the world-renowned Pushpin Group, and taught design and typography at Cooper Union for 15 years. He has also been a visiting lecturer at Columbia University and the State University of New York at Purchase.