Ahn Graphics

Those Who Called out Colors

색을 불러낸 사람들: 플라톤에서 몬드리안까지


Intriguing stories of colors written by Moon Eun-bae, Korea’s top scholar in color studies

Those Who Called out Colors : From Plato to Mondrian allows everyone—both young and old—to acquaint themselves with a wide variety of colors in the fields of science, art, and the humanities. The book contains 25 essays that deal with topics ranging from philosophical differences in viewing colors to the psychology of colors themselves. You can see at a glance the birth, harmony, and changes of colors that you didn’t know. Let’s listen to the stories of people who had a lot to say about colors, from Plato to Mondrian.

Moon Eun-bae

he studied visual design and environmental design at the College of Fine Arts at Seoul National University, as well as at its graduate school. In 1995, while working at the Korea Color Research Institute, he was first introduced to color. After serving as a senior researcher at the Color Design Research Institute at Ewha Womans University, he founded his own lab, Moon Eun-bae Color Design, immersing herself in color research. His major studies include specialized research projects such as the “Digital Color Palette Research” based on emotional design, “Color Combination Software for Export,” “Korean Regional Color Extraction and Standard Emotion Research,” “Development of a Digital Program for Color Vision Deficiency,” and “Development Research on Korean Traditional Colors.” he has written Color Design Textbook and Korean Traditional Colors, and authored a book for colorists recommended by the Korean Society of Color Studies. he currently serves as a professor at Chungwoon University.
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