Ahn Graphics


The Colours of Our Memories

Les Couleurs De Nos Souvenirs


What remains of the colours of our childhood? What are our memories of a blue rabbit, a red dress, a yellow bike? Were they really those colours? And later on, what colours do we associate with our student years, our first loves, our adult life? How does colour leave its mark on memory? How does it stimulate memory? How does it transform it? Or, to reverse that question, how does colour become the victim of memory’s whims and lapses?In an attempt to reply to these questions - and to many others - Michel Pastoureau presents us with a journal about colours that covers over half a century (1950-2010). Through personal memories, notes taken on the spot, uninhibited comments, scholarly digressions and the remarks of a professional historian, this book retraces the recent history of colours in France and Europe. Among the fields of observation that are covered or evoked are the vocabulary and data of language, fashion and clothing, everyday objects and practices, emblems and flags, sport, literature, painting, museums and the history of art.

This text - playful, poetic, nostalgic - records the life of both the author and his contemporaries. We live in a world increasingly bursting with colour, in which colour remains a focus for memory, a source of delight and, most of all, an invitation to dream.

Michel Pastoureau

He is a leading scholar of medieval heraldry and recognized as the first international expert in the field of color. Born in Paris in 1947, he studied at the Sorbonne and the École Nationale des Chartes. He began researching the history of color as an academic subject in 1968 and published his first paper on medieval color in 1977. In 1982, he was appointed Director of Studies in the History and Philology Section at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), where he taught for 28 years on the history and symbolism of color and on medieval animals.
He has been a visiting professor at prestigious European universities such as the University of Lausanne and the University of Geneva, where he held various seminars on the symbols and imagery of European society. A guest member of the Institut de France, he also serves as president of the French Society of Heraldry and Sigillography.
He gained worldwide renown with his 2000 book Blue: The History of a Color, followed by Black: The History of a Color, Green: The History of a Color, Red: The History of a Color, and Yellow: The History of a Color, in which he introduces the history of color enriched by diverse historical facts and in-depth knowledge of the humanities and social sciences. Recently, through works such as The Humanities of Color and Color in Our Memory, he has dedicated himself to sharing his academic findings with the public in a more accessible and engaging way.

Choi Jeong-su

Graduated from the Department of French Language and Literature at Yonsei University and its graduate school, currently working as a professional translator. Translated works include: Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, The Zahir, Maktub, Guy de Maupassant’s The Horla, Guy de Maupassant—Boule de Suif and 62 Other Stories, Françoise Sagan’s One Month Later, One Year Later, A Certain Smile, Amazing Clouds, The Lost Side Profile, Annie Ernaux’s Simple Passion, Amos Oz’s Scenes from Village Life. Other notable translations: Charles Darwin—On Evolution, Le Voyage d’Orient, Colors in Our Memory, Dilemma—A Playful Moral Philosophy Experiment Report, George Orwell, Before Going to the Art Museum, The Woman in the Shadows: Vivian Maier, and No Signal.

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