Ahn Graphics

After I Graduate from Art School 2

미대 나와서 무얼 할까 2


Between the Dream and Reality: Who Becomes a Creative Artist?

How many art school graduates truly pursue creative careers in their field? Is it possible to make a living doing what you love in the arts? These questions form the starting point of this insightful exploration into the lives of creative professionals.

The author divides the professional landscape into 24 categories, interviewing key figures in each to uncover the realities of ‘making a living through art.’ Through candid questions and straightforward answers, the book captures the essence of what it means to be an artist in today’s world.

With its unflinching examination of the challenges and triumphs of artistic careers, this book paints a vivid portrait of our era’s creative individuals—shedding light on the elusive balance between artistic passion and practical survival.

Jungjun Park

After graduating from the Department of Western Painting at Seoul National University, he opened an art studio called LHOOQ, where he worked sporadically. By chance, he began writing and co-authored a high school art textbook for the 2012 academic year. He is currently exploring new projects while working on art technique theory books.
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