Ahn Graphics

Design Management Essence

디자인경영 에센스


Why do leading companies risk the future of the company on design?

This book deals with the essence, necessity, history of design management, characteristics of design managers, and role model cases so that it can help managers understand design, while assisting designers understand management better. If a designer fails to read the trends of the times and sticks to the existing way of working, or if design and management do not collaborate with each other in a timely manner, the company will be left behind. The purpose of this book is to establish a knowledge base that can lead to a synergistic effect by combining the essence of design and management.

Chung Kyung-won

A leading authority in design management, he has served as the President of the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP) and the Chief of Design Seoul Headquarters for the Seoul Metropolitan Government. He studied Industrial Design at Seoul National University and its graduate school, earned a Master’s degree in Industrial Design from Syracuse University in the United States, and a Ph.D. in Design Strategy from Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. He debuted as a designer after receiving the President’s Award from the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the 1973 Korea Industrial Design Exhibition and was recognized as a recommended designer in 1976. In 1984, he joined KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) as a professor, where he led the establishment of the Department of Industrial Design and has since been committed to nurturing future talent. He has served as a design management advisor and outside director for leading Korean companies, including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Card, Homeplus, and Lotte Construction. From 1995 to 1999, he was a member of the executive board of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) and developed strategies for globalizing the design industry for Korea’s Globalization Promotion Committee in 1996. As the first designer to be appointed as President of KIDP in 2000, he spearheaded the construction of the Korea Design Center and successfully hosted international events such as the World Graphic Design Biennale and the World Industrial Design Conference. For his contributions, he received the Presidential Citation in 1999 and the Silver Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit in 2003. His publications include Design Management, a Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism-recommended book and a must-read in the field, as well as Chung Kyongwon’s Design Management Stories, Design, Brands, and Competitiveness, and Global Design Travels. His work Design Strategy at Samsung Electronics, published by Harvard Business Publishing in 2008, became a bestseller. With numerous articles published in global design journals such as the Design Management Journal, he combines solid theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience. For over 30 years, he has contemplated how design transforms lives and fosters innovation, drawing insights from both academia and practice.
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