A leading authority in design management, he has served as the President of the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP) and the Chief of Design Seoul Headquarters for the Seoul Metropolitan Government. He studied Industrial Design at Seoul National University and its graduate school, earned a Master’s degree in Industrial Design from Syracuse University in the United States, and a Ph.D. in Design Strategy from Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. He debuted as a designer after receiving the President’s Award from the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the 1973 Korea Industrial Design Exhibition and was recognized as a recommended designer in 1976. In 1984, he joined KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) as a professor, where he led the establishment of the Department of Industrial Design and has since been committed to nurturing future talent. He has served as a design management advisor and outside director for leading Korean companies, including Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, Hyundai Card, Homeplus, and Lotte Construction. From 1995 to 1999, he was a member of the executive board of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) and developed strategies for globalizing the design industry for Korea’s Globalization Promotion Committee in 1996. As the first designer to be appointed as President of KIDP in 2000, he spearheaded the construction of the Korea Design Center and successfully hosted international events such as the World Graphic Design Biennale and the World Industrial Design Conference. For his contributions, he received the Presidential Citation in 1999 and the Silver Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit in 2003. His publications include Design Management, a Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism-recommended book and a must-read in the field, as well as Chung Kyongwon’s Design Management Stories, Design, Brands, and Competitiveness, and Global Design Travels. His work Design Strategy at Samsung Electronics, published by Harvard Business Publishing in 2008, became a bestseller. With numerous articles published in global design journals such as the Design Management Journal, he combines solid theoretical knowledge and extensive practical experience. For over 30 years, he has contemplated how design transforms lives and fosters innovation, drawing insights from both academia and practice.
Chung Kyung-won
다른 사람들
대학에서 문헌정보학을 공부했다. 《나일론》 매거진 피처 어시스턴트를 시작으로 《어라운드》 매거진, 안그라픽스에서 에디터로 일했다. 회사에 다니며 크고 작은 브랜드와 협업했고, 지금은 프리랜스 에디터 겸 아트 디렉터로 활동한다. 지은 책으로 『20킬로그램의 삶』이 있다. ‘작은 집에서, 넓은 사람과, 깊은 마음으로’ 살기를 꿈꾼다.
Choi Sulki
Choi Sulki and Choi Sung-min are a graphic design duo working under the name Sulki and Min. Together, they have authored books such as Artwork Description , Off-White Paper: Brno Biennale and Education , and An Unfair and Incomplete Dutch Design Trip . Choi Sung-min has also translated books including What is a Designer? , Retromania , Paul Renner: The Art of Typography , and Modern Typography . He teaches at the University of Seoul. Both studied under Michael Rock during their time at the Yale … -
고려대학교 역사교육과를 졸업했고 현재 전문 번역가로 활동하고 있다. 옮긴 책으로는 히가시노 게이고의 『레이크사이드』 『외사랑』 『방황하는 칼날』, 이케이도 준의 『샤일록의 아이들』 『하늘을 나는 타이어』, 신카이 마코토의 『날씨의 아이』 『스즈메의 문단속』, 야마자키 료의 『커뮤니티 디자인』, 마쓰다 미히로의 『누구의 인생을 살고 있는가』 등이 있다. -
Yoon Ho-seob
Yoon Ho-seob is an environmental activist and South Korea’s first Green Designer. An emeritus professor of visual design at Kookmin University’s College of Architecture, he has pioneered work that combines design and the environment, education and the environment, and develops and provides design works to support environmental movements by students and private organizations. He is the author of books such as Yoon Ho-seob and Dreaming of a Green Campus . -
홍익대학교 미술대학을 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 석사를 취득했다. 부퍼탈대학교(Bergische Universität Wuppertal) 대학원에서 조형예술학박사를 취득했다. 전 홍익대학교 조형대학 교수, 한독공학대학원대학교 예술공학연구센터장을 역임했다. 현재 (사)한국기초조형학회 수석부회장이자 조형매체공학연구소 소장을 맡고 있다. -
Yoon Young-jun
Yoon Young-jun graduated from Seoul National University, Department of Life Sciences, and majored in Communication Design at SADI. She has been working mainly on editorial design and motion graphics. She is currently working as an editorial designer at Insight, a book publishing company. -
뉴욕 스쿨오브비주얼아트(School of Visual Arts, NY)와 파주 타이포그라피학교 더배곳을 졸업했다. 어려서부터 캐나다에서 생활하며 로마자를 통해 타이포그라피에 매력을 느껴 박민규체를 디자인했고, AG 타이포그라피연구소에서 활동하며 AG최정호 민부리 Std.를 개발했다. 현재는 프리랜서로 활동 중이다. -
Shin Myung-ho
Researches the history of visual expression and representational theory, with a focus on picture books, and teaches Studies of Culture and Representation at Musashino Art University in Japan. Engages in various activities such as exhibition planning and translation, striving to raise awareness of the role and impact of picture books in society. -
Lee Kyu-bok
He majored in calligraphy at Wonkwang University and completed his doctoral program at Dongguk University. In 2002, he founded CalliDesign, a company specializing in calligraphy, where he is currently the president, and served as a board member of the Korea Calligraphy and Design Association. He has been in charge of important large-scale projects in Korea, including the slogan titles for the 17th and 18th presidential inaugurations, the slogan titles for the opening of Gwanghwamun Square, the … -
Seo Ha-na
A Japanese translator and publishing editor who hovers between language and print. She considers language to be design, translating Japanese into Korean and plans books. She has worked in architecture and interiors, and after studying in Japan, she worked as an editor at Ahn Graphics. She has translated Rojinryoku , Who Made 501XX? , The Mina Perhonen Design Journey: The Circulation of Memory , An Encyclopedia of Tokyo Hotels , The Original Scenery of Harajuku in the 1970s , Walking with the … -
모모세 히로유키
도쿄조형대학 회화과를 졸업하고 쓰쿠바대학 대학원 종합조형과를 졸업했다. 배재대학교 공연 영상학부 조교수를 지내고 현재 상명대학교 디자인대학 전임강사로 재직 중이다. ANBD(Asia Network Beyond Design)의 회원이며, 〈From in the Memory〉를 비롯해 다수의 전시와 ‘생명의 충동을 형태로 하다’ ‘기초조형의 교육에 대해: 관찰, 발견, 그리고 제작’ 등을 주제로 한 다수의 강연을 가진 바 있다. -
국가인권위원회, 법무법인 덕수 등에서 변호사로 일했다. 2013년부터 공연예술 연구와 창작에 관여했고 2019년부터는 안무, 극작, 무용수 등으로 공연에 직접 참여하고 있다. 장애와 인권·예술·기술의 관계 등을 다루는 책과 논문을 발표했다. 『실격당한 자들을 위한 변론』(사계절, 2018), 『사이보그 가 되다』(공저, 사계절, 2021) 등의 책을 썼고 ‹사랑 및 우정에서의 차별금지법› ‹인정투쟁: 예술가편› ‹무용수-되기› 등의 공연에 출연했다.