서울대학교 디자인학부 산업디자인전공 교수. 제품 인터랙션 디자인 및 디자인 방법론 분야를 강의하며, 기술을 인간 관점으로 해석하는 통찰에 기반한 다양한 디자인 연구를 수행하고 있다. 한국디자인학회 Design Works 논문편집장을 맡고 있으며, 한국산업디자인상, G-Mark, iF, Red Dot, Meta 공모전에서 수상한 바 있다.
She is a Ph.D. candidate at Yonsei University’s HCI Lab. She is currently working with HAII (a company specializing in digital therapeutics) on the planning, development, and clinical trials of a digital therapeutic for language therapy targeting stroke patients. She has directly experienced the A to Z of creating digital therapeutics and researches how patients can better and continuously benefit from digital therapy. She co-authored The Digital Therapeutics Revolution: Everything About the Third New Drug, Digital Therapeutics (2022).