Graduated from the Department of Art Theory at Hongik University and earned a master’s degree from the same university with research on spatial experiences in Minimalism and New Media Art. Co-translated works such as 40 Essential Readings in Art Theory and Criticism, 21 Terms for Media Criticism, and Postproduction. Published papers including “Jeffrey Shaw’s New Media Installation Art”, “Medial Turns in Korean Avant-Garde”, and “Binghamton Letters: A Study on Nam June Paik’s Activities at the Experimental Television Center (ETC)”. Currently writing a doctoral dissertation in the Department of Art History at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Research focuses on analyzing the development and mechanisms of postwar art, particularly in relation to issues of environment, media, and technology.
Son Boo-kyung
다른 사람들
After studying Industrial Design and International Business at Carnegie Mellon University, she worked as a product designer, participating in projects for medical devices and various consumer electronics. She later earned a master’s degree in Design and Branding Strategy from Brunel University. Recently, her focus has shifted to research on platform strategy and service design.
마르크 스틱도른
독일 트리어대학(Universität Trier)에서 전략 경영과 마케팅을 공부했다. 관광 산업을 위한 서비스 디자인 데스티너블(Destinable)의 설립자이자 컨설턴트로 유럽 내 다양한 관광 산업 프로젝트에 참여했다. 2008년부터 오스트리아의 인스브루크경영센터(Management Center Innsbruck, MCI)의 기업가 정신 및 관광 산업 석사 과정에서 서비스 디자인을 강의하고 있다. -
그래픽 디자이너. 홍익대학교 시각디자인과를 졸업하고 안그라픽스에서 디자이너로 일했으며 그 후 무사시노미술대학 대학원 시각전달디자인과에서 ‘수학적 알고리즘을 활용한 타이포그래피’에 대해 공부했다. 서울로 돌아와 눈디자인의 디자인디렉터와 진달래의 동인 활동을 통해 ‘10키 디지털 캘리그래피’와 같이 일정한 모듈을 이용해 다양한 형태를 파생시켜 다시 디자인의 도구로 사용하는 작업을 다수 진행했다. 현재 서울여자대학교 시각디자인과 교수로 재직하며 새로운 입체 글자에 대해 작업을 진행 중이다. -
Im Nam-sook
Graduated from the Department of Ceramics at Ewha Womans University. She majored in Graphic Design at Braunschweig University of Art (Braunschweig Kunsthochschule) in Germany and earned a Ph.D. in Design Philosophy from the same institution. Currently, she is a professor in the Department of Art Education at Daegu National University of Education. -
Shin Hee-kyoung
Specialized in Visual Design and Design Theory at Seoul National University and its graduate school. As a recipient of the Japanese Ministry of Education scholarship, earned a master’s degree from Musashino Art University and a Ph.D. in Art from the Department of Design at Nihon University. After serving as a researcher at Musashino Art University, currently works as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Semyung University while actively pursuing art, including two solo exhibitions. … -
Yu Hye-young
She graduated from Sookmyung Women’s University in 1994 with a degree in Industrial Design and completed her MFA at Elisaba Design School in 2000. He has exhibited at Sol Ferino , Seoul Design Festival Milan (Milan, 2007), Seoul Design Olympics, Design is Air (Seoul, 2008), Spanish Kitchen at Samji Gallery, Insadong (Seoul, 2009), and Casas Marcs Illustration Group (Barcelona, 2010). Since 2003, he has been a design exhibition commissioner and curator, organizing various exhibitions, and … -
Axel Ewald
Axel Ewald studied sculpture and art education at Alanus School of Art in Germany. He has taught sculpture, drawing, Goethean observation and art history for more than twenty years in Germany, Great Britain, the United States, and Israel. He has been a member of staff at Emerson College in Great Britain for five years. In cooperation with biologist Margaret Colquhoun, Axel developed a series of Goethean science and art courses in Great Britain as well as New Eyes for Plants, a workbook for … -
Kiura Mikio
Born and raised in Osaka. He has two master degrees in computer science at Nara Institute of Science and Technology and design at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. Currently, he runs his award-winning design studio ANKR DESIGN in Tokyo and designs new products and services with his clients. He thoroughly understands the Japanese manufacturing industry, as well as, the workflow of large companies and startups in Japan. He also has a profound knowledge of Japan’s unique culture and … -
Lee Soon-jong
Lee Soon-jong graduated from Seoul National University College of Fine Arts and the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Graduate School of Design. He has served as a professor at Kookmin University’s Department of Industrial Design and Seoul National University’s Department of Design. He also founded the International Association of Societies for Design Research (IASDR), served as president of the Korean Design Association, and was the first design director of the Gwangju Design … -
한국예술종합학교 영상원에서 영상이론을, 싱가포르국립대학교에서 동남아시아학을 공부했다. 『갈색의 세계사』 『가난을 팝니다』 『아름다움 그것은 상처』 등을 우리말로 옮겼다. -
뉴욕 스쿨오브비주얼아트(School of Visual Arts, NY)와 파주 타이포그라피학교 더배곳을 졸업했다. 어려서부터 캐나다에서 생활하며 로마자를 통해 타이포그라피에 매력을 느껴 박민규체를 디자인했고, AG 타이포그라피연구소에서 활동하며 AG최정호 민부리 Std.를 개발했다. 현재는 프리랜서로 활동 중이다. -
James Craig
James Craig, a well-known author of books on graphic design, was born in Montreal, Canada. He studied fine arts in Montreal and Paris before immigrating to the United States. He received his BFA from The Cooper Union and his MFA from Yale University. Now semi-retired, Mr. Craig was the Design Director for Watson-Guptill Publications and is a member of the New York Art Directors Club, Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), Type Directors Club (TDC), Typophiles, and a past member of …