Graduated from the Department of Art Theory at Hongik University and earned a master’s degree from the same university with research on spatial experiences in Minimalism and New Media Art. Co-translated works such as 40 Essential Readings in Art Theory and Criticism, 21 Terms for Media Criticism, and Postproduction. Published papers including “Jeffrey Shaw’s New Media Installation Art”, “Medial Turns in Korean Avant-Garde”, and “Binghamton Letters: A Study on Nam June Paik’s Activities at the Experimental Television Center (ETC)”. Currently writing a doctoral dissertation in the Department of Art History at Binghamton University, State University of New York. Research focuses on analyzing the development and mechanisms of postwar art, particularly in relation to issues of environment, media, and technology.
Son Boo-kyung
다른 사람들
She graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in German. After working as a pop culture critic and book editor for a publishing house, she is now a professional translator from German and English. His translations include Design Sosa , Locker bleiben mit dem inneren Schweinehund , A Realist’s Walk in Psychology , From Starlight to Dew and The Secret Library of a Science Editorial Fanatic .
Choon Choi
Choon Choi is a professor in the Department of Architecture at Seoul National University, leading the Architectural Culture Research Lab. His work focuses on reinterpreting and revitalizing the cultural values embedded in architectural heritage through restoration and regeneration projects. He has collaborated with curators to design exhibition spaces for events such as the “Gwangju Biennale” and the “Seoul Media City Biennale”. In partnership with artists, he worked on … -
한양대학교 독어독문학과를 졸업하고, 임프리마코리아에이전시(IKA)에서 영미권, 독일어권 저작권 에이전트로 일하면서 해외 도서를 국내에 소개해왔다. 옮긴 책으로 『사자가 전하는 말』 『하얀 손수건과 함께한 일주일』 『로잘리와 우유에 대한 수수께끼』 등이 있다. -
마르크 스틱도른
독일 트리어대학(Universität Trier)에서 전략 경영과 마케팅을 공부했다. 관광 산업을 위한 서비스 디자인 데스티너블(Destinable)의 설립자이자 컨설턴트로 유럽 내 다양한 관광 산업 프로젝트에 참여했다. 2008년부터 오스트리아의 인스브루크경영센터(Management Center Innsbruck, MCI)의 기업가 정신 및 관광 산업 석사 과정에서 서비스 디자인을 강의하고 있다. -
Yamamoto Riken
Riken Yamamoto, born 1945 in Beijing, China is a Japanese architect. In 2024, he received the Pritzker Architecture Prize, considered to be the most prestigious award in architecture, becoming the 9th Japanese architect to receive such honor. -
Kaleena Sales
Kaleena Sales is a writer, illustrator, and graphic design educator at Tennessee State University, an HBCU (Historically Black College and University), in Nashville, TN. She is endlessly interested in the intersection of Black culture and aesthetics and believes that identities and experiences have an invaluable role in helping to diversify the ways in which designers solve problems. Through her service on AIGA’s Design Educators Community Steering Committee, Kaleena advocated for a more … -
상명대학교 감성공학과 교수. 1991년 카이스트 산업공학과 석사과정에서 UI 디자인을 공부하기 시작한 우리나라 1세대 UI 디자이너. 같은 대학원에서 UI 디자인으로 박사학위 취득 후 대우일렉트로닉스 디자인연구소에서 디자이너들과 협력하여 제품 UI 디자인 업무를 수행하였고, 과학기술부에서 주관한 감성공학기반기술개발사업 연구책임자를 맡아 차세대 감성제품 개발 연구를 수행하였다. 영국 요크대학교 심리학과 연구원을 거쳐 한국예술종합학교 미술원 디자인과 교수로 6년간 재직하였으며, 문화체육관광부가 주관하는 문화기술 R&D 과제 기획에 참여하였고 함평나비축제 문화프로그램 기획 및 실경 공연 제작 등 디자인의 영역을 문화 콘텐츠 분야로 확장하는 데 앞장섰다. 2010년부터 SK플래닛에서 운영하는 T아카데미에서 ‘모바일 UX/UI 기획 및 설계’를 강의하였고, 2012년에는 방송통신위원회에서 주최하고 한국인터넷전문가협회에서 주관한 ‘UX 디자인 스쿨’에서 UX 기획 과정을 강의하는 등 … -
Jeon Jeong-heui
Graduated with a degree in Architectural Engineering from Chungnam National University and earned a master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). After completing the publishing translation program at Geulbab Academy, she now works as a translator with Bareun Translation. -
Yonsei HCI Lab
The Yonsei HCI Lab focuses on research in human-AI interaction, with a special emphasis on UX design for digital health systems that enhance well-being and treat diseases. The lab members, who are not just HCI experts but ‘Experience Engineers,’ are dedicated to developing innovative digital health products that help bring meaningful experiences through AI technology. -
Peter Troxler
An independent researcher and concept developer, he focuses on the overall composition and design of the social, technological, and commercial dimensions of businesses. His work pays particular attention to companies as permanent organizations and projects as temporary organizational structures. -
Song Geun-a
Studied Physics at the undergraduate level and completed a graduate degree in International English Education (TESOL). After finishing the publishing translation program at Glbab Academy, works as a translator affiliated with Barun Translation. Also teaches English original texts at local libraries and Havruta education centers. Translated works include Reflections on the Beginning and End of Everything, Ten Things You Need to Know About Conquering the Universe, The Marvel Man, and Wuthering … -
Choi Ho-chun
Completed doctoral coursework in Visual Design at the College of Fine Arts and the Graduate School of Hongik University. Recipient of awards such as the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP) President’s Award and the Prime Minister’s Award at the Korea Industrial Design Exhibition. Served as an inaugural designer for KIDP and as the Chair of the Visual Designers Division at the Korean Association of Industrial Artists. Authored books including Visual Communication Design and High School …