He graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor’s degree in architecture and earned a Ph.D. in engineering from the same graduate school, and studied at the AA School of Architecture in the United Kingdom. He has served as a professor and dean of architecture at Korea National University of Arts, and chairman of the Cultural Heritage Committee of the Cultural Heritage Administration. Based on his deep knowledge in the field of ancient architecture, he is working to popularize architecture by combining architectural history research and design work. He has published more than 30 research papers, including “A Study on the Building Composition and Site Layout of Buddhist Architecture in Chosun Era throungh the Dogmatic Interpreteation” and “The Collective Types of Architecture in Temple Gowoon.” His books include Buddhist Architecture, Kim Bong-ryeol’s Korean Architecture Story, Places to Visit, Places to Stay, and the co-authored book The Craftsmanship of Our Time.
Kim Bong-ryol
다른 사람들
Cody Choi(b.1961), who has consistently been active as a visual artist and cultural theorist since the 1980s, explores the cultural identity and relationship of authority within contemporary society. Choi touches upon topics of cultural maldigestion, third-culture created by the clash of different cultures, the beauty of such hybridism, and simultaneously occurring new social phenomena—all of which Choi experienced as a foreigner in the US. Choi gained his stature as a world-renowned artist …
IDR is a combination of letters reminiscent of ordinary English words such as idea and ideal. It is intended to be a more free architecture that responds flexibly to various external conditions without being bound by a specific logic or theory. Questioning what is taken for granted in our cities and architecture is the starting point of his work, and he is particularly interested in the role of architecture as a mediating background between users and everyday life. -
Lee Jee-hee
Graduated from the Department of Painting at Seoul National University’s College of Fine Arts and completed a master’s degree at the same institution. Earned a Master of Fine Arts in Computer Art from New York University (NYU) and a Ph.D. in Media Art from Soongsil University. Currently serves as a professor in the Department of Industrial Design at Hanyang Women’s University. -
레나테 멘치
취리히예술대학교(Zurcher Hochschule der Kunste)과 예루살렘 브살렐미술디자인아카데미(Bezalel Academy of Art and Design)와 베를린훔볼트대학(Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin)에서 제품 디자인과 문화학을 공부했다. 현재 취리히디자인미술관(Museum fur Gestaltung Zurich) 큐레이터로 일하며 스위스연방기술원(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) 등에서 강의하고 있다. -
Kim Min-jung
She has worked as an editor for various magazines from Casa Living to the monthly Design . She loves the eclecticism of magazines, is interested in how to translate design into language, and specializes in planning and creating content. She is currently the editor-in-chief of C , a magazine published by GrandeClip. -
Ellen Lupton
Ellen Lupton is a designer, writer, and educator. Her books include Design Is Storytelling, Graphic Design Thinking, Health Design Thinking, and Extra Bold: A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-Racist, Nonbinary Field Guide for Graphic Designers . The third edition of her bestselling book Thinking with Type launches in March, 2024. She teaches in the Graphic Design MFA program at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore (MICA), where she proudly serves as the Betty Cooke and William O. Steinmetz … -
Lee Jung-kuk
Lee Jung-kuk graduated from Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Education, and attended the Emerson College Waldorf Teacher Training Program and the Visual Arts Program in the UK. -
Choi Sulki
Choi Sulki and Choi Sung-min are a graphic design duo working under the name Sulki and Min. Together, they have authored books such as Artwork Description , Off-White Paper: Brno Biennale and Education , and An Unfair and Incomplete Dutch Design Trip . Choi Sung-min has also translated books including What is a Designer? , Retromania , Paul Renner: The Art of Typography , and Modern Typography . He teaches at the University of Seoul. Both studied under Michael Rock during their time at the Yale … -
홍익대학교 미술대학 시각디자인과 졸업 후 동 대학원에서 의상 디자인으로 석사 학위(M.F.A)를 수여받았다. 이후 영국 런던패션대학(London College of Fashion)에서 석사학위(M.F.A)를 마치고, 국민대학교에서 박사 학위(Ph.D)를 취득했다. 현재 평택대학교 패션디자인및브랜딩학과 학과장으로 재직 중이며, 한국섬유·패션산학협회 회장, 서울미술협회 부이사장 등 여러 학회 및 협회에서 임원으로 활동한다. 또한 싱가포르, 러시아 등 국제패션대회 심사위원으로 초청받았으며, 작품 활동으로 〈Media Art Moving Drawing〉 작업이 ‘제8회 서울모던아트쇼 대상’ 수상, ‘한국기초조형학회 국제초대전’에서 최우수작품상을 수상했다. -
서울과학기술대학교 IT정책대학원 디지털문화정책전공 교수. 「전쟁의 기억과 문화국가론」 「박물관의 윤리적 미래-박물관 행동주의의 계보를 중심으로」 「문화정책의 인구정치학적 전환과 예술가의 정책적 위상」 「이중섭 신화의 또 다른 경로(매체)들-1970년대의 이중섭 평전과 영화를 중심으로」 「미술사의 소비」를 저술했다. 지은 책으로 『모두의 학교-더 빌리지 프로젝트』(공저) 『한국현대미술 읽기』(공저) 『아시아 이벤트-서로 다른 아시아들의 경합』(공저)이 있다. -
Charles Wallschlaeger
In his long tenure at The Ohio State University (OSU), Charles A. Charles Wallschlaeger was instrumental in creating one of the first full-scale industrial design departments at the university level. In more than 30 years there – including 19 as department chair, Charles influenced countless students and design educators. -
Kang Ju-hyun
He runs the graphic design studio Occupy the City and is based in Seoul. He curated and organized the exhibition Occupy the City: Typozimmer Nr. 7 and participated in other exhibitions such as Korean Design: Transforming Forms and Tools of Communication . He is currently an adjunct professor at Konkuk University and teaches graphic design and typography at various universities.