Ahn Graphics


Kim Joo-yun


He studied architecture at Hongik University and interior design at Cornell Graduate School, U.S.A. He is the dean of the Graduate School of Industrial Art at Hongik University and a professor at the College of Art and Architecture since 1996. He was the general director of the IFI World Interior Design Competition in 2007, a board member of the IFI World Federation of Interior Architecture from 2007–2011, president of the Korean Society of Interior Designers (KOSID) in 2011–2012, and president of the Korean Institute of Spatial Design (KISD) in 2017-2018. He received the 2006 Minister of Construction and Transportation Award and the 2015 Prime Minister’s Award at the Korea Design Awards for his KT Art Hall design. He is currently a guest lecturer at design competitions at leading universities in China, India, Mexico, and the United Arab Emirates, including Singapore Design Week (SDW).

Kim Joo-yun의 책

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