Ahn Graphics


Seo Seung-yeon


She studied Visual Design at the College of Design, Sangmyung University, and Communication Design at the Graduate School of Art and Design at the same university. She earned a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from Hongik University. She worked as a graphic designer at Comtec System, SUMOK A&A, and Dian Co., Ltd. She has taught typography and editorial design courses at Sangmyung University, Dankook University, Kyonggi University, Pyeongtaek University, Dongyang Mirae University, and Yuhan University. She actively engages in research and creative activities through organizations such as the Korean Society of Typography, the Korean Society of Design Science, and the Korean Society of Basic Design & Art. Currently, she serves as a professor specializing in Visual Design at the College of Design, Sangmyung University. Her publications include Design Grammar, Typography Dictionary, and Reading Culture through Design.

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