She studied Visual Design at the College of Design, Sangmyung University, and Communication Design at the Graduate School of Art and Design at the same university. She earned a Ph.D. in Fine Arts from Hongik University. She worked as a graphic designer at Comtec System, SUMOK A&A, and Dian Co., Ltd. She has taught typography and editorial design courses at Sangmyung University, Dankook University, Kyonggi University, Pyeongtaek University, Dongyang Mirae University, and Yuhan University. She actively engages in research and creative activities through organizations such as the Korean Society of Typography, the Korean Society of Design Science, and the Korean Society of Basic Design & Art. Currently, she serves as a professor specializing in Visual Design at the College of Design, Sangmyung University. Her publications include Design Grammar, Typography Dictionary, and Reading Culture through Design.
Seo Seung-yeon
다른 사람들
상명대학교 감성공학과 교수. 1991년 카이스트 산업공학과 석사과정에서 UI 디자인을 공부하기 시작한 우리나라 1세대 UI 디자이너. 같은 대학원에서 UI 디자인으로 박사학위 취득 후 대우일렉트로닉스 디자인연구소에서 디자이너들과 협력하여 제품 UI 디자인 업무를 수행하였고, 과학기술부에서 주관한 감성공학기반기술개발사업 연구책임자를 맡아 차세대 감성제품 개발 연구를 수행하였다. 영국 요크대학교 심리학과 연구원을 거쳐 한국예술종합학교 미술원 디자인과 교수로 6년간 재직하였으며, 문화체육관광부가 주관하는 문화기술 R&D 과제 기획에 참여하였고 함평나비축제 문화프로그램 기획 및 실경 공연 제작 등 디자인의 영역을 문화 콘텐츠 분야로 확장하는 데 앞장섰다. 2010년부터 SK플래닛에서 운영하는 T아카데미에서 ‘모바일 UX/UI 기획 및 설계’를 강의하였고, 2012년에는 방송통신위원회에서 주최하고 한국인터넷전문가협회에서 주관한 ‘UX 디자인 스쿨’에서 UX 기획 과정을 강의하는 등 …
Jeong Jae-wan
Jeong Jae-wan graduated from Hongik University with a degree in Visual Communication Design and began his career as a book designer at Jung Byung-kyu Publishing Design and Minumsa Publishing Group. Inspired by a strong interest in street letters, he has held four solo exhibitions titled Letterscape since 2008. In 2018, he presented Jeong Jae-wan: Book Design and also Letterscape (Bukseong-ro) in 2019 as an exhibition focused on regional visual culture. He has co-authored several books, … -
Lee Kyung-il
Architecture journalist. She majored in architecture at Seoul National University. He has worked as a reporter for Space , chief reporter for plus , editor-in-chief of bob , and editor-in-chief of Architecture Culture , and editor-in-chief of Architecture World , Interior World , and MADE . -
Hyundai Motor Company
Hyundai Motor Company is a global leader in the automotive industry that exports vehicles to over 200 countries and has established production facilities worldwide. As the pioneer of Korea’s automotive industry, Hyundai made history with the development of the nation’s first independently designed model, the Pony. The company has continued its legacy of innovation via the introduction of the world’s first mass-produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, XCIENT Fuel Cell, and the expansion its … -
Noh Eun-yu
Font designer and researcher. She founded Notype in 2018 and has been creating letters based on research and experimentation since then. She teaches typography at Konkuk University, Ewha Womans University, and Hongik University. She graduated from Hongik University’s Department of Visual Design in 2006, and received her master’s degree in 2008 with a thesis on “A study on the Hangul phonetic alphabet system for phonetic transcription of Japanese” and her doctorate in 2011 with a … -
Gilda Williams
Based in London since 1994, Dr. Gilda Williams is a contemporary art critic and teacher; editor of ON&BY Andy Warhol (MIT/Whitechapel Press, 2016); and author of the bestselling art book How to Write about Contemporary Art (Thames & Hudson, 2014), now published in seven languages. From 2008-23 Williams was Senior Lecturer on the MFA Curating programme at Goldsmiths College (University of London), where she taught art writing. Dr. Williams has also taught at the The Ruskin School of Art, … -
Lee Jung-kuk
Lee Jung-kuk graduated from Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Education, and attended the Emerson College Waldorf Teacher Training Program and the Visual Arts Program in the UK. -
Renate Menzi
Renate Menzi enjoyed a craft-based design education at the Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich, which she continued at the Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem. Having graduated in 1996, she worked as an assistant at the Chair of Visual Design in the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich and studied Theory of Design and Art at the Zurich University of the Arts. Since 2008, she is the curator of the design collection at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich where she teaches, collects, researches and publishes in … -
Kimura Shunsuke
Interviewer and author. He began his career as an interviewer when he attended a seminar by Japanese intellectual Tachibana Takashi while a student at the University of Tokyo. After working in the office of copywriter Shigesato Itoi, he went out on his own. He has been a professional interviewer for 20 years and has interviewed and organized the stories of more than 1,000 people. -
Lee Young-choon
He graduated from Hongik University, College of Fine Arts, Department of Wooden Furniture, and majored in Industrial Design at Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. He has worked as a senior designer at Spoon Design, an adjunct professor at the Department of Industrial Design at Rochester Institute of Technology, a commissioned researcher at the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP), and is currently a professor at the Department of Living Furniture Design at Seoil University. -
Peter Troxler
An independent researcher and concept developer, he focuses on the overall composition and design of the social, technological, and commercial dimensions of businesses. His work pays particular attention to companies as permanent organizations and projects as temporary organizational structures. -
Ahngraphics is a Korean design publishing company and company founded by visual designer Ahn Sang-soo on February 8, 1985. It was converted to a stock company in 1990 and has grown into a comprehensive design company covering four sectors: design, digital, media, and publishing. It was the first design company to introduce DTP into practice, and contributed to the development of Korean graphic design through high-quality editorial design centered on letters. It celebrated its 30th anniversary …