She is a lawyer, patent attorney, and legal designer. She received her B.A. in design and information culture from Seoul National University, her J.D. from Kyungpook National University College of Law, and her J.D. from Seoul National University, specializing in intellectual property law, with a thesis entitled A Study on the Intellectual Property Law System for Protecting the Form of Virtual Goods. While running the law firm Artis, he served as a lawyer for legal counseling for artists at the Seoul Arts Council of Korea, a member of the design dispute mediation committee at the Korea Design Promotion Agency, and a member of the legal field of the Manga Promotion Committee at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. He currently teaches legal courses at the Department of Design, Seoul National University College of Fine Arts. In addition to studying design from the perspective of law, she is deeply interested in “legal design,” which is the effective utilization of law through design methodology.
Seo Yu-kyung
다른 사람들
Kaleena Sales is a writer, illustrator, and graphic design educator at Tennessee State University, an HBCU (Historically Black College and University), in Nashville, TN. She is endlessly interested in the intersection of Black culture and aesthetics and believes that identities and experiences have an invaluable role in helping to diversify the ways in which designers solve problems. Through her service on AIGA’s Design Educators Community Steering Committee, Kaleena advocated for a more …
Hans Rudolf Bosshard
Born in 1929, he completed an apprenticeship in typesetting and later worked as an instructor. He taught photography and graphic design at various colleges and at the Zurich School of Design, while also serving as a teacher at the Zurich School of Industrial Design, where he developed lifelong learning programs in typographic design. His work spans book design for the cultural sector, exhibition catalogs, posters, and exhibition and installation design. A prolific writer, he has authored … -
Kim Mi-ja
She graduated from Hongik University with a BFA in Visual Design and majored in Packaging Design at Dongguk Graduate School of Industrial Art. She majored in illustration at California State University, Long Beach, USA. He is currently a professor at Yeongsan University, Department of Design. -
스위스 디자이너 오귀스탱 스코트 드 마르탱빌, 그레구아르 장모노, 엘릭 프티가 2004년에 시작한 디자인 스튜디오. 스위스 로잔예술대학교(ECAL)에서 친구로 만난 이들은 그들만의 견고한 팀워크와 낙관적 스타일로 실용적이면서 개성 있는 일상의 사물을 만들어낸다. 스위스디자인상, iF디자인상, 굿디자인상 등 다수의 상을 수상했으며 미국 뉴욕 현대미술관, 프랑스 파리 퐁피두센터, 벨기에 그랑오르뉘현대미술관, 스위스 로잔현대미술관에 소장되어 있다. 스위스국제항공, 에어프랑스 등을 비롯한 여러 항공사와 스웨덴 이케아(IKEA), 스위스 라도(RADO)와 네스프레소(Nespresso), 일본 가리모쿠(karimoku) 등 세계 여러 나라의 기업과 함께 일한다. -
Ando Tadao
Born 1941 in Osaka, Japan. Self-taught in architecture. Established Tadao Ando Architect & Associates in 1969. Major works include the Church of the Light, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, and Chichu Art Museum. Awarded the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) Prize for the Row House in Sumiyoshi in 1979, Japan Art Academy Prize in 1993, Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1995, Person of Cultural Merit (Japan) in 2003, International Union of ArchitectsUIA Medal in 2005, John F. Kennedy Center Gold … -
Lee Su-yeong
Lee Su-yeong graduated from the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University and the Graduate School of Comparative Literature at the same school. She has worked as an editor, journalist, and exhibition organizer, and began translating humanities books such as Bandit: A History of Healing . She has translated the novels Even the Dogs , Wildlife , and I Am Number Four , the memoir My Korean Delhi , and the travelogue Your Siberia . When she wants to indulge her eyes and … -
Kwak Yung-bin
He is an art critic and visiting professor at Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Communication, and holds a PhD from the University of Iowa, USA, with a “The origin of Korean Trauerspiel”. In 2015, he was awarded the inaugural SeMA-Hana Art Criticism Award, the first national art criticism award established by the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA). His recent publications include “The Blind Past and the Eternal Return of Global Civil War: Difference and Repetition in Omer Fasth … -
모모세 히로유키
도쿄조형대학 회화과를 졸업하고 쓰쿠바대학 대학원 종합조형과를 졸업했다. 배재대학교 공연 영상학부 조교수를 지내고 현재 상명대학교 디자인대학 전임강사로 재직 중이다. ANBD(Asia Network Beyond Design)의 회원이며, 〈From in the Memory〉를 비롯해 다수의 전시와 ‘생명의 충동을 형태로 하다’ ‘기초조형의 교육에 대해: 관찰, 발견, 그리고 제작’ 등을 주제로 한 다수의 강연을 가진 바 있다. -
LG Electronics Brand Book Production Center
Since 1958, LG Electronics has been committed to the belief that everyone deserves a better life. This philosophy extends beyond products and services, driving human-centered innovation and a focus on joy in everything they do. The LG Electronics Brand Book Production Center has gathered previously untold stories from the employees of LG Electronics, preserving their experiences in a carefully crafted book. Through these stories, the brand aims to share with a broader audience the message of … -
빌레 코코넨
핀란드 출신의 산업 디자이너이다. 스위스에 있는 그의 사무실에서는 기술적, 과학적 발견과 관련한 프로젝트 포트폴리오들이 진행된다. 그의 작품은 미래 생활환경에 대한 예측의 결과물이다. 현재 핀란드 헬싱키에 있는 알토대학교의 예술디자인 및 건축학부에서 교수로 재직하고 있다. -
Fujimori Terunobu
Fujimori Terunobu is a Japanese architect and architectural historian. He studied at Tōhoku University before entering graduate school at the University of Tokyo. Whilst writing his thesis in the 1970s Fujimori formed the Architecture Detectives. In this group he and his colleagues searched the city to find and photograph early Western-style buildings. During the 1970s and 1980s he made studies of the city about early Western buildings and unusual occurrences, and did not turn to architecture … -
Lee Jung-yeol
Lee Jung-yeol majored in industrial design at Yonsei University and Dong Graduate School, and received his master’s degree in 2012 with the thesis A Study on the Development and Formation of Design Science (advisor: Seungjin Chae). He joined the Daelim Museum of Art in 2013 and is currently a senior curator. His major exhibitions include Nick Knight: Image and Coco Capitán: Is It Tomorrow Yet? , and he has curated Kim Mi-soo & Kim Young-joon: Present and Absent , Cho Gyu-hyung: …