She studied design at Seoul National University and Cornell University Graduate School. She has contributed articles on design issues to the monthly Design and Designnet, and has expressed her vision of design as a social issue in the “Seoul Declaration of Industrial Designers” (2001), “Korea Design Declaration” (2007), “Charter of Women Designers” (2007), and “Human City Design Seoul Declaration” (2018). While a professor at Hansung University, she has served as a special exhibition curator for the Gwangju Design Biennale, a member of the board of directors of the International Association of Societies of Design Researchers (IASDR), president of the Korean Society of Design Science (KDSD), president of the Woman Designer Leadership network (WDLnet), and a member of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).
Ko Young-lan
다른 사람들
홍익대학교에서 시각 디자인을 전공하고 몇몇 대학교에서 강의하던 중 국립중앙박물관과 인연이 닿아 이십여 년 넘게 근무하고 있다. ‘박물관’ ‘디자인’ ‘문화’의 현장에서 활동하면서 디자인이 외적인 꾸밈새에만 함몰되고 있는 현상에 회의가 일었다. 다시 디자인을 생각하며 ‘어떻게 디자인할 것인가’의 문제가 아니라 ‘왜, 누구를 위해 디자인 하는가’의 문제와 맞닥뜨렸다. 그리고 디자인은 ‘꾸밈의 기술’이 아니라 ‘일상의 양식’이어야 함을 깨달았다. 기획/출간한 책으로 『오래된 디자인』 『한국전통문양집』 등이 있으며, 공동 집필한 책으로는 『디자인은 독인가, 약인가?』 『조형』 『디자인은 죽었다』 등이 있다.
Sara Kristoffersson
Sara Kristoffersson was born in Stockholm 1972 and is a Swedish writer and professor of design history and theory at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm. She is the author of several exhibition catalogue essays and has published a number of articles on various aspects of design, architecture and popular culture. -
Kim Seong-won
Director of the Play AT Institute. He teaches young people at the Kurikindi center. He is the author of “An Earthbag House with Neighbors , The Return of the Fire Pit , The Age of the Woodstove , and “My Hands Are Tired . -
Go Yun-seo
She explores how text, graphics, and people interact between the virtual and the real. After working as a designer and developer at graphic design studio Everyday Practice, She recently went independent to run his own creative design studio, YYY. Continues to experiment with digital interaction in the graphic web experimentation group HHHA. -
Chung Yeon-shim
Chung Yeon-shim is professor of Art History and Theory (예술학과) at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea. She received her Ph.D. in art history at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Dr Chung’s research interests encompass both modern and contemporary Western and East Asian art. Before teaching at Hongik, Dr Chung was an assistant professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and a researcher for the exhibition The World of Nam June Paik at the Guggenheim … -
Lee Jeong-eun
Lee Jeong-eun received her master’s degree from the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She worked at RTKL, MAD, and Callison, where she participated in many large-scale mixed-use projects in China. He is currently a designer at the architectural firm AUD. -
Han Myoung-sik
Graduated with a degree in Interior Design from the École Municipale des Beaux-Arts Appliqués in Lyon, France, and worked as an interior designer at LG Chem. Currently, teaches and explores architectural spaces with students in the Department of Interior Architecture at Daegu Haany University. -
레나테 레케
독일의 어린이책 작가이자 아동문학 평론가다. IBBY 독일 지부의 회장과 부회장을 역임했고, 지금은 IBBY 유럽 지부 회원으로 활동하고 있다. 또 BIB, 볼로냐 아동도서전 올해의 일러스트레이터, 독일아동청소년문학상, 트로이스도르프 그림책상 심사위원을 역임하기도 했다. -
Kim Sun-hee
She graduated from Hongik University, College of Fine Arts, Department of Industrial Design and received his MFA from Pratt Institute Graduate School of Industrial Design. Since 1995, she has been a keynote professor at Samsung Art and Design Institute (SADI), and since 1999, she has been a research professor at Parsons School of Design and Pratt Institute’s Department of Industrial Design in New York City. Currently, she teaches three-dimensional sculpture at Parsons School of … -
Seo Ha-na
A Japanese translator and publishing editor who hovers between language and print. She considers language to be design, translating Japanese into Korean and plans books. She has worked in architecture and interiors, and after studying in Japan, she worked as an editor at Ahn Graphics. She has translated Rojinryoku , Who Made 501XX? , The Mina Perhonen Design Journey: The Circulation of Memory , An Encyclopedia of Tokyo Hotels , The Original Scenery of Harajuku in the 1970s , Walking with the … -
Kang E-Roon
He runs the design studio Math Practice in New York City and recently co-founded 908A, which researches and develops design tools for culture and the arts. He studied graphic design at Yale University and was a Special Research Fellow at MIT’s Sensible Cities Lab in the Department of Urban Planning. He has taught at the Bauhaus Weimar University in Germany, New York University ITP, and is currently an Assistant Professor at Parsons School of Design. -
James Craig
James Craig, a well-known author of books on graphic design, was born in Montreal, Canada. He studied fine arts in Montreal and Paris before immigrating to the United States. He received his BFA from The Cooper Union and his MFA from Yale University. Now semi-retired, Mr. Craig was the Design Director for Watson-Guptill Publications and is a member of the New York Art Directors Club, Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), Type Directors Club (TDC), Typophiles, and a past member of …