Ahn Graphics


Ko Young-lan


She studied design at Seoul National University and Cornell University Graduate School. She has contributed articles on design issues to the monthly Design and Designnet, and has expressed her vision of design as a social issue in the “Seoul Declaration of Industrial Designers” (2001), “Korea Design Declaration” (2007), “Charter of Women Designers” (2007), and “Human City Design Seoul Declaration” (2018). While a professor at Hansung University, she has served as a special exhibition curator for the Gwangju Design Biennale, a member of the board of directors of the International Association of Societies of Design Researchers (IASDR), president of the Korean Society of Design Science (KDSD), president of the Woman Designer Leadership network (WDLnet), and a member of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).

Ko Young-lan의 책

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