Ahn Graphics

Young Architects 2020: Imagining, Exploring and Adjusting

젊은 건축가: 상상하고 탐구하고 조정하다


Special stories about architecture from winners of Korea Young Architect Award

This is an annal publication about works by winners of Korea Young Architect Award hosted by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The winners in 2020 introduce projects that best represent their architectural objectives. Imagining, exploring and adjusting are elements of the designing method employed by all. They spend a long time imagining what could be substantialized, explore the ways of life and nature, and adjust the balance between architectural experience, different values and materials. The stories of young architects reveal new possibilities in the world teeming with banal diversity and clichéd novelties.


비유에스아키텍츠건축사사무소는 세 명의 파트너 박지현, 우승진, 조성학이 이끄는 건축설계사무소다. 건축과 공간을 매개로 일어날 수 있는 유의미한 상상력에 기반해 도시, 문화, 사람 사이의 다양한 관계 설정에 주목한다. 건축의 ‘구축’보다 ‘과정’에 집중해 작업을 이어간다. 이런 맥락에서 비유에스는 철자 그대로 버스(BUS)라는 소통 의식에 대한 의지와 규정되지 않은 시작점(By Undefined Scale)이라는 방법론을 가리킨다. 현재 두 명의 직원 차승훈, 김수빈과 함께 다양한 프로젝트를 진행한다.

Jiyo Architects

Kim Se-jin is an architectural practice founded in 2015 after graduating from Seoul National University’s Department of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture. His architectural work begins with the surface of paper and evolves into profound expressions of individuality and universal sensory experience. He served as a Seoul Public Architect in 2016 and has taught at Seoul National University’s design studio. Her accolades include winning the design competition for the Chebu-dong Cultural Center, the TSK Fellowship Award, the Grand Prize at the Korean Rural Architecture Awards, and the Seoul Education Space Design Innovation Award from the Superintendent of Education. He has participated in notable projects such as A Day of Conservator C at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Young Architects Program, and the Gwangju Design Biennale’s Gwangju Folly.

On architects inc.

Jung Woong-sik, a principal architect at ON Architects, graduated from the Department of Architecture at Ulsan National University. He is currently an adjunct professor at the College of Design and Architecture at Ulsan National University and works as a public architect for Busan Metropolitan City. Through his exploration of the value and possibilities of regional architecture, he aims to propose various models and propose various possibilities by building a relationship between people and people, region and region, beyond the intersection of physical, environmental, and practical factors of the region.He has won numerous awards, including the German Iconic Award in 2020 and the Korean Institute of Architects Award in 2019.
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