Ahn Graphics

The Allure of Chinese Characters



The Allure of Chinese Characters: Exploring the Evolution of Hanzi Through Design Thinking

While many books have delved into the origins and history of Chinese characters, few have explored them as comprehensively and innovatively as The Allure of Chinese Characters. This book goes beyond traditional historical narratives to examine how Chinese characters are written, the tools used to create them, their evolution as pictograms, and their design as visual forms.

Chen Nan, a renowned Chinese designer and professor at Tsinghua University, approaches this vast subject from a fresh and unique perspective—through the lens of design thinking. He weaves together threads of knowledge, some familiar and some overlooked, and reconfigures them into a systematic approach to Chinese character design.

The book is divided into three main sections: Zimài” (字脉), Zifǎ” (字法), Zihuì” (字绘). Additionally, the book highlights seven key themes that capture the essence and allure of Chinese characters: Ziyuán (字源), Zimài (字脉) Zishèng (字聖), Zifǎ (字法), Ziqì (字器), Zizhèn (字陣), Zihuì (字绘).

Chen Nan presents a groundbreaking perspective by separating Chinese characters from their traditional confines of linguistics and calligraphy, instead establishing them as a distinct field within design. His exploration spans from ancient forms to modern usage, offering a fresh dimension to the study of Chinese characters.

This book will captivate not only those interested in the history and evolution of Chinese characters but also designers intrigued by their visual potential. It is a comprehensive resource for anyone eager to understand the past and present of Chinese characters—from their roots as symbols of language to their potential as forms of art and design.

Chen Nan

A professor and doctoral advisor at the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, as well as the Executive Deputy Director of the Chinese Ancient Characters Art Research Center. He serves as Deputy Chair of the Visual Communication Design Department and holds a Ph.D. in Design. He is a member of the China Artists Association, a director of the Beijing Industrial Design Promotion Association, and notably participated as a torchbearer in the Beijing Olympics relay. He chaired the Visual Communication Design category for The Beauty of Chinese Characters’ Global Youth Design Contest and delivered a lecture on Chinese character design at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. He designed the first oracle bone script font and cursive script font, pioneering research-based design education and proposing the Rhythmic Structure (律格) design theory. In 2017, he organized the exhibition Recreate Oracle: Ancient Characters in the Context of Modern Design in Beijing and, in 2018, launched his first national touring exhibition, Chinese Characters & Rhythmic Structure: Chen Nan’s Perspective on Chinese Character Art & Design, at the Hubei Museum of Art.


Yuka aims for sensible translations that capture the nuances of the original, and will continue to introduce Chinese-language books that are both entertaining and meaningful.
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