Ahn Graphics

Natural Architecture



The World-Acclaimed Architect Kengo Kuma and His Meaningful Challenges

Natural architecture is not simply architecture made from natural materials. It may seem obvious, but architecture with natural materials applied onto concrete is certainly not natural. We perceive something as natural when it exists in a harmonious relationship with its location. It is all about the relationship with nature. Natural architecture is architecture that forms a happy relationship with the place where it is built.

The 20th century saw concrete dominate the world. It was a material that severed the connection between place and material, creating architecture that homogenized nature. However, nature is not just about materials or landscapes—it is neither a utopia nor a dream.

This book explores the stories of designing and conceptualizing materials such as water, stone, wood, bamboo, earth, and paper in ways that align with their specific locations. It delves into the profound relationship between architecture and the environment, advocating for a return to meaningful connections.

Kuma Kengo

Born in Yokohama in 1954, he studied architecture at the University of Tokyo and was a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Department of Architecture and Urban Planning in the United States. He is currently a principal of Kengo Kuma and Associates and a special professor and professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo. His major works include Kiro-San observatory (1994), Water/Glass, Atami, Noh Stage in the Forest /Moributai Traditional Performing Arts Museum, Bato Hiroshige Museum, Great (Bamboo) Wall House, Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum, Suntory’s Tokyo office building, China Academy of Art’s Folk Art Museum, V&A Dundee, and the Japan National Stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Lim Taehee

After completing a research program in Architecture at Kyoto University, he returned to South Korea and gained six years of practical experience in the field. He later went back to Japan and earned a Ph.D. in Architecture from Kyoto Institute of Technology. Currently, he runs Im Taehee Design Studio, continuing to work on various projects.
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