Ahn Graphics

BIG-GAME: Everyday Objects


BIG-GAME is a Swiss design studio founded by three friends in 2004. This book presents their industrial design work on everyday objects. Through anecdotes, diagrams, and pictures made for the publication, the book gives an overview of fifteen years of practice and reveals the pleasure the designers take in creating items that become part of our everyday lives. From a wine bottle sold in supermarkets to a chair in the permanent collection of the MoMA, a set of cutlery for an airline to a timepiece for a Swiss watchmaker, a collaboration with Japanese potters to a piece of furniture sold at Ikea, the charming, humorous, and direct tone they use to explain their work is a fun way to express the industrial design process today.

Based on a series of informal interviews, the main text by famous design critic Anniina Koivu explains the design process within this modern-day design collective. The epilog by curator of mudac, Susanne Hilpert Stuber, casts a light on the relationship between BIG-GAME and today’s Swiss design industry, and puts it in an international context.


스위스 디자이너 오귀스탱 스코트 드 마르탱빌, 그레구아르 장모노, 엘릭 프티가 2004년에 시작한 디자인 스튜디오. 스위스 로잔예술대학교(ECAL)에서 친구로 만난 이들은 그들만의 견고한 팀워크와 낙관적 스타일로 실용적이면서 개성 있는 일상의 사물을 만들어낸다. 스위스디자인상, iF디자인상, 굿디자인상 등 다수의 상을 수상했으며 미국 뉴욕 현대미술관, 프랑스 파리 퐁피두센터, 벨기에 그랑오르뉘현대미술관, 스위스 로잔현대미술관에 소장되어 있다. 스위스국제항공, 에어프랑스 등을 비롯한 여러 항공사와 스웨덴 이케아(IKEA), 스위스 라도(RADO)와 네스프레소(Nespresso), 일본 가리모쿠(karimoku) 등 세계 여러 나라의 기업과 함께 일한다.

Kim Hyun-kyung

After graduating from Sogang University’s English Department, she worked at a publishing house and edited various books. She is currently working as a freelance translator for major museums and companies in Korea. Her translations include The Form of the Book Book, BIG-GAME : Everyday Objects, First Principles of Typography, 100 Classic Graphic Design Journals, I Used To Be A Design Student: 50 Graphic Designers Then And Now, Bibliographic: 100 Classic Graphic Design Books, American Writers at Home and more.
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