Ahn Graphics

After I Graduate from Music School

음대 나와서 무얼 할까: 음악이 직업이 되는 열네 가지 이야기


14 stories of how music became an occupation

This book provides guidelines for people interested in music or music students who have some uncertainties about their future by introducing various occupational groups in music. It deals not only with creative fields such as composition and instrumental performance but also with academic areas such as musicology and music criticism as well as somewhat less known fields such as musical therapy, performance planning, and record engineering.

Go Hae-won

She graduated from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea, where she studied composition and the Master of Music program. Since then, she has worked as a composition instructor at the Conservatory of Music and Incheon Yeongo, and currently teaches students preparing for music college entrance exams at Suryeon Music Academy. She dreams of a harmonious life like an orchestra and continues her journey with music through her composing and arranging activities.
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