Book designer, illustrator, art director, and author, whose witty work is active in various fields. After dropping out of Musashino Art University’s Visual Communication Design Department, he worked for the advertising company Hakuhodo. In 1988, he opened Yorifuji Design Office, and in 2000, he founded Bunpei Ginza, a limited company. In 2008, he won the 29th Kodansha Publishing Culture Award in the Book Design category for Life Miscellany Notebook and Designers Who Don’t Design. He received the Tokyo ADC Award and the Japan Typography Yearbook Award for his posters and newspaper advertisements for the Japanese tobacco industry, which he created with copywriter KINYA Okamoto. His books include Death Catalog and Elemental Life and his books introduced in Japan include Earthquake, Measure of Numbers, Heaven of Change, and Doodle Master.
Yorifuji Bunpei
다른 사람들
평범한 직장생활을 하다 원서를 집요하게 파고드는 일본어 번역의 매력에 빠져 번역 세계에 들어오게 되었다. 글밥 아카데미 수료 후 바른번역 소속 번역가로 활동 중이다. 역서로는 『1등은 당신처럼 팔지 않는다』 『신경 청소 혁명』 『비즈니스 모델 혁신의 역사 1, 2』 『뱃살이 쏙 빠지는 식사법』 『바빌론 부자들의 돈 버는 지혜』 『나의 첫 불렛저널』 『모세혈관, 건강의 핵심 젊음의 비결』 『로봇 시대에 불시착한 문과형 인간』 『천연약』 등이 있다.
Suzy Lee
Suzy Lee studied painting in Korea and book arts in the UK and has published picture books internationally. Her work has garnered several prestigious awards, including the “2022 Hans Christian Andersen Award” “the Bologna Ragazzi Award”, “the Inchon Memorial Award” “The Korean Publishing Culture Award” and “The New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book Award”. Among her most celebrated works are the picture books Summer , River , Wave , Shadow , The Black Bird , Alice in Wonderland , and … -
서울대학교 서양학과를 졸업한 뒤 ‘LHOOQ’란 이름의 화실을 열고 드물게 작업을 했다. 우연히 글을 쓰기 시작해 2012학년도 고등학교 미술교과서를 공저했다. 미술기법 이론서와 함께 새로운 작업을 궁리 중이다. -
로얼 클라선
네덜란드 디자인 패션 플랫폼인 프렘셀라(Premsela)의 프로그램 매니저다. 그는 디자인, 철학, 전략 경영을 공부하고 디자인 분야에서 열정적으로 활동하고 있다. 현재 그는 오픈 디자인 문화 발전 촉진을 목표로 프렘셀라에서 추진하고 있는 이니셔티브인 디자인 공화국 프로그램을 진행하고 있다. -
Shur Ki-heun
Graphic designer and professor in the Department of Visual Design at Gachon University. He has served as the president of the Korea Society of Visual Information Design and the Korea Society of Basic Design & Art. He received the Art Division Award at the 2008 Korean Culture and Arts Awards and the Education Division Award at the 2012 Korea New Knowledge Management Awards. -
Jang Ji-seong
Graduated from the Department of Oriental Painting at Seoul National University and pursued further studies in Oriental Painting at the Graduate School of Hongik University and Art History at the Graduate School of Humanities at Dongguk University. Currently, he teaches in the Department of Art Education at Jeonju National University of Education and serves as a guest research fellow at the Kansong Art Museum. He has contributed to the 2009 and 2015 revised national curricula for elementary and … -
《보스토크 매거진》의 편집 동인이자 프레스의 대표. 다양한 출판물을 만들어온 편집자이며 PLATFORM-P의 센터장이기도 하다. 디자인 저널 《양귀비》의 책임 편집자, 서울대학교출판문화원 편집장, 사진이론학교와 격월간 《말과활》의 기획 위원 등으로 일했으며 아트인컬처 뉴비전 미술평론상을 받았다. -
Jasper Morrison
Jasper Morrison CBE RDI (born 1959) is an English product and furniture designer. He is known for the refinement and apparent simplicity of his designs. In a rare interview with the designer, he is quoted as saying: “Objects should never shout.” Jasper Morrison is a leading British designer, best known for his work in furniture, lighting, tableware and everyday products. Born in London in 1959, he studied design at Kingston Polytechnic, the Royal College of Art and Berlin’s HdK. In … -
Lee Yong-shin
Lee Yong-shin studied Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University, Industrial Design at Seoul National University, and Communication Design at Pratt Institute Graduate School. He has worked as a designer at magazines Glamour and Advertising Age , and now works as an art director at CMYK+WHITE, a design firm in New York City. -
James Chae
A designer and design educator based in Seoul. He graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and worked in web design and editorial design in New York and Boston. Currently, he is an assistant professor at Hongik University, where she continues his personal projects in editorial work, writing, and web design. -
Jin Whui-yeon
With a bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and Art History from Seoul National University and a master’s and Ph.D. in Art History from Columbia University, she has built a distinguished academic career. After teaching at the Samsung Design Institute (SADI) and the Department of Painting at Sungshin Women’s University, she is currently a professor at the Korea National University of Arts, School of Visual Arts. Her work focuses on the dynamic intersection of art exhibitions, criticism, … -
Margaret Colquhoun
1947–2017. Goethean biologist and the Founding Director of the Life Science Trust, based at Pishwanton Wood in East Lothian, Scotland, at the foot of the Lammermuir Hills. She studied zoology and genetics with agricultural acience at Edinburgh University in the 1960s and worked there as a Research Associate in the 1970s on questions of population genetics and evolutionary biology. Later on, still carrying questions into the reality and relationship of taxonomy and evolution, she spent four …