Koo Bohnchang is one of Korea’s most renowned photographers, celebrated for his exploration of experimental qualities of photography. After earning his degree in Business Administration from Yonsei University, he studied photography design at the HFBK University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, Germany, where he received his diploma (Diploma Fotodesign). Since the beginning of his career in 1987 with Alexio, he has photographed brand catalogs for Esquire and Non-no and produced fashion spreads for prominent designers like Lee Young-hee (Lee Young-hee Hanbok), Jin Tae-ok (Françoise), and Lee Shin-woo (Original Lee By Icinoo). Koo has held over 40 solo exhibitions worldwide, including at Plateau, formerly called Rodin Gallery (2001), the Peabody Essex Museum (2002), Kukje Gallery (2006), and the Philadelphia Museum of Art (2010). His work, often reflecting the aesthetics of Korean beauty, includes acclaimed series such as Masks (2002) and Korean White Porcelain (2004). His photographs are part of the permanent collections of prestigious institutions, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Kahitsukan Museum of Contemporary Art in Kyoto, the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Gwacheon, and the Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art in Seoul. Koo has published several notable photobooks, including Breath, Masks, and Korean White Porcelain, as well as Everyday Treasures and White Porcelain (白磁) published by Rutles (ラトルズ) in Japan. He has taught at Kaywon University of Art and Design, Chung-Ang University, and Seoul Institute of the Arts, and is currently a professor in the School of Photography and Motion Picture at Kyungil University.
Koo Bohnchang
다른 사람들
평범한 직장생활을 하다 원서를 집요하게 파고드는 일본어 번역의 매력에 빠져 번역 세계에 들어오게 되었다. 글밥 아카데미 수료 후 바른번역 소속 번역가로 활동 중이다. 역서로는 『1등은 당신처럼 팔지 않는다』 『신경 청소 혁명』 『비즈니스 모델 혁신의 역사 1, 2』 『뱃살이 쏙 빠지는 식사법』 『바빌론 부자들의 돈 버는 지혜』 『나의 첫 불렛저널』 『모세혈관, 건강의 핵심 젊음의 비결』 『로봇 시대에 불시착한 문과형 인간』 『천연약』 등이 있다.
마틴 솔즈베리
영국 앵글리아러스킨대학교(Anglia Ruskin University)의 일러스트레이션 학과 교수로, 그림책과 어린이책 일러스트레이터의 예술성을 알리기 위해 노력하고 있다. 저서로는 『플레이 펜(Play Pen)』 『어린이책과 일러스트레이션(Illustrating Children’s Books)』 등이 있다. -
Lee Jung-yeol
Lee Jung-yeol majored in industrial design at Yonsei University and Dong Graduate School, and received his master’s degree in 2012 with the thesis A Study on the Development and Formation of Design Science (advisor: Seungjin Chae). He joined the Daelim Museum of Art in 2013 and is currently a senior curator. His major exhibitions include Nick Knight: Image and Coco Capitán: Is It Tomorrow Yet? , and he has curated Kim Mi-soo & Kim Young-joon: Present and Absent , Cho Gyu-hyung: … -
Kang E-Roon
He runs the design studio Math Practice in New York City and recently co-founded 908A, which researches and develops design tools for culture and the arts. He studied graphic design at Yale University and was a Special Research Fellow at MIT’s Sensible Cities Lab in the Department of Urban Planning. He has taught at the Bauhaus Weimar University in Germany, New York University ITP, and is currently an Assistant Professor at Parsons School of Design. -
Cho Sung-hyeon
A partner at BOUNDLESS(경계없는작업실) and the CEO of Spacewalk. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Seoul National University, he gained practical experience at iArc before co-founding BOUNDLESS. Currently, he oversees business development for the team and focuses on solving architectural and urban issues through Spacewalk, an independent startup spun off from BOUNDLESS’s in-house technology team, BOUNDLESS-X, which collaborates with various experts and technologies. He has … -
Lee Yong-je
Lee Yong-je studied visual design at Hongik University and was the first designer to receive a PhD in Hangul design from the same graduate school. He worked at the Hangeul Design Institute from 1999-2003, and since 2004, he has been running ‘Hangeul Space’, a space for research and design. He has designed numerous fonts, including ‘꽃길’, a font for vertical writing, and ‘아리따’, a typeface for Amorepacific. Recently, he has been focusing on ‘ink-saving … -
디자이너. 2006년 홍익대학교를 졸업하고 안그라픽스에서 UX 디자이너로 일했다. 이후 영국 런던 왕립예술학교(RCA)에서 석사를 취득했으며, 싱가포르/네덜란드 필립스헬스케어에서 UX 디자인 디렉터로 일한 다음 귀국해 울산과학기술원(UNIST) 디자인학과에 합류했다. UNIST 부교수로 재직하며 학생들을 가르치고, OND Lab을 설립해 다수의 디자인 연구와 실무 프로젝트를 진행 중이며, 한국 디지털 헬스케어 학회의 이사로 활동한다. 디지털 제품 디자인, 서비스 디자인, 디자인 전략, 그리고 의료 UX 디자인에 중점을 두고, 아울러 RCA에서의 인연으로 동시대 여러 비평적 디자이너와 연대한다. 〈CCTV 샹들리에〉 〈모두를 위한 피자〉 등의 대표작은 런던 바비칸센터, 예루살렘 이스라엘뮤지엄, 서울 페스티벌 봄을 비롯한 다양한 국가에서 공연, 전시 및 상영했다. OND Lab과 함께 디자인 정의에 관해 지속적으로 고민하며, 디자인 역할의 확장을 추구한다. 급변하는 동시대 삶에 다른 … -
Jeong Jae-wan
Jeong Jae-wan graduated from Hongik University with a degree in Visual Communication Design and began his career as a book designer at Jung Byung-kyu Publishing Design and Minumsa Publishing Group. Inspired by a strong interest in street letters, he has held four solo exhibitions titled Letterscape since 2008. In 2018, he presented Jeong Jae-wan: Book Design and also Letterscape (Bukseong-ro) in 2019 as an exhibition focused on regional visual culture. He has co-authored several books, … -
근대 건축의 3대 거장 중 한 사람으로, 스위스 태생의 프랑스 건축가이자 화가이다. 흔히 르 코르뷔지에의 건축을 ‘기계미학’이라 설명하지만 그는 단순한 기능주의적 건축가가 아니다. 건축의 합리적· 기능적 조형을 중시하여 철근 콘크리트를 사용한 주택, 공공 건축, 도시 계획을 발표했고, 집을 ‘살기 위한 기계’라고 표현했으며, 건축의 척도로 삼는 모듈을 고안해 실제 건축에 적용했다. 대표적인 건축물로 ‘국제연합본부’ ‘위니테 다비타시옹’ ‘롱샹 성당’ 등이 있으며, 저서로 『건축을 향하여』『도시 계획』 『모듈러』 등이 있다. -
William Bevington
He is on the executive team of the Parsons Institute for Information Mapping(PIIM) New School. He currently teaches at Parsons School of Design. He has worked at Rudolf de Harak & Associates, Peter Schmidt Studio(Hamburg, Germany), and the world-renowned Pushpin Group, and taught design and typography at Cooper Union for 15 years. He has also been a visiting lecturer at Columbia University and the State University of New York at Purchase. -
Kim Min-jung
She has worked as an editor for various magazines from Casa Living to the monthly Design . She loves the eclecticism of magazines, is interested in how to translate design into language, and specializes in planning and creating content. She is currently the editor-in-chief of C , a magazine published by GrandeClip. -
Lee Kwang-suk
Lee Kwang-suk is a professor of digital culture policy at the Graduate School of IT Policy, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He has been conducting research, criticism, writing, and field activities with a critical interest in the intersection of technology, society, and culture. His main research interests include technocultural studies, media and art activism, information commons studies, youth surplus culture and technology studies, and he is currently focusing on …