Koo Bohnchang is one of Korea’s most renowned photographers, celebrated for his exploration of experimental qualities of photography. After earning his degree in Business Administration from Yonsei University, he studied photography design at the HFBK University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, Germany, where he received his diploma (Diploma Fotodesign). Since the beginning of his career in 1987 with Alexio, he has photographed brand catalogs for Esquire and Non-no and produced fashion spreads for prominent designers like Lee Young-hee (Lee Young-hee Hanbok), Jin Tae-ok (Françoise), and Lee Shin-woo (Original Lee By Icinoo). Koo has held over 40 solo exhibitions worldwide, including at Plateau, formerly called Rodin Gallery (2001), the Peabody Essex Museum (2002), Kukje Gallery (2006), and the Philadelphia Museum of Art (2010). His work, often reflecting the aesthetics of Korean beauty, includes acclaimed series such as Masks (2002) and Korean White Porcelain (2004). His photographs are part of the permanent collections of prestigious institutions, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Kahitsukan Museum of Contemporary Art in Kyoto, the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Gwacheon, and the Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art in Seoul. Koo has published several notable photobooks, including Breath, Masks, and Korean White Porcelain, as well as Everyday Treasures and White Porcelain (白磁) published by Rutles (ラトルズ) in Japan. He has taught at Kaywon University of Art and Design, Chung-Ang University, and Seoul Institute of the Arts, and is currently a professor in the School of Photography and Motion Picture at Kyungil University.
Koo Bohnchang
다른 사람들
Jeong Jae-wan graduated from Hongik University with a degree in Visual Communication Design and began his career as a book designer at Jung Byung-kyu Publishing Design and Minumsa Publishing Group. Inspired by a strong interest in street letters, he has held four solo exhibitions titled Letterscape since 2008. In 2018, he presented Jeong Jae-wan: Book Design and also Letterscape (Bukseong-ro) in 2019 as an exhibition focused on regional visual culture. He has co-authored several books, …
Gail Greet Hannah
Gail Greet Hannah is a writer specializing in design and marketing. She was a friend of Rowena Reed Kostellow and worked with her to publish her teaching method. She lives in Cold Spring Harbor. -
Chae Hee-joon
Specialized in Korean typography at Kaywon University of Art and Design. Focused on font production, he is an active member of the design studio FORMULA. He has released typefaces such as Cheongwol, Cheongjo, Choseol, Goyo, Shinsegae, Tal, Classic, Giha, and Omin. Passionate about creating typefaces, he enjoys the process of detecting and studying subtle differences in letterforms. -
Kwon Myung-kwang
Graphic designer. Distinguished Professor at Sangmyung University. 15th President of Hongik University, Honorary Professor of Hongik University. He graduated from summer term at Osaka University of the Arts, Japan in 1974 and Hongik University, Faculty of Crafts and Graduate School of Visual Design in 1974. Since 2006, he has been an advisor to the Animation Society of Korea, a standing advisor to the Korean Federation of Design Associations (KFDA), and a standing advisor to the Visual … -
Kang Ju-hyun
He runs the graphic design studio Occupy the City and is based in Seoul. He curated and organized the exhibition Occupy the City: Typozimmer Nr. 7 and participated in other exhibitions such as Korean Design: Transforming Forms and Tools of Communication . He is currently an adjunct professor at Konkuk University and teaches graphic design and typography at various universities. -
Frank Berzbach
Born in 1971, received technical education to become an industrial draftsman and completed mandatory training at a psychiatric hospital. Subsequently studied education, psychology, philosophy, and literature in Cologne, Bonn, and Frankfurt, focusing on the ethical issues of constructivism. Later transitioned to a career as a science journalist. As of 2011, teaches psychology and philosophy at the Eco Design Academy and design at a vocational school in Cologne. Co-founder of the knowledge portal … -
상명대학교 감성공학과 교수. 1991년 카이스트 산업공학과 석사과정에서 UI 디자인을 공부하기 시작한 우리나라 1세대 UI 디자이너. 같은 대학원에서 UI 디자인으로 박사학위 취득 후 대우일렉트로닉스 디자인연구소에서 디자이너들과 협력하여 제품 UI 디자인 업무를 수행하였고, 과학기술부에서 주관한 감성공학기반기술개발사업 연구책임자를 맡아 차세대 감성제품 개발 연구를 수행하였다. 영국 요크대학교 심리학과 연구원을 거쳐 한국예술종합학교 미술원 디자인과 교수로 6년간 재직하였으며, 문화체육관광부가 주관하는 문화기술 R&D 과제 기획에 참여하였고 함평나비축제 문화프로그램 기획 및 실경 공연 제작 등 디자인의 영역을 문화 콘텐츠 분야로 확장하는 데 앞장섰다. 2010년부터 SK플래닛에서 운영하는 T아카데미에서 ‘모바일 UX/UI 기획 및 설계’를 강의하였고, 2012년에는 방송통신위원회에서 주최하고 한국인터넷전문가협회에서 주관한 ‘UX 디자인 스쿨’에서 UX 기획 과정을 강의하는 등 … -
AG Typography Institute
AG Typography Institute was founded in 2012 as an affiliated institute of Ahn Graphics. We designs and develops typefaces based on in-depth studies, and aims to create new typeface culture and trend. -
Joachim Müller-Lancé
He graduated with honors from the Basel School of Design in Switzerland and studied art at the Cooper Union in New York, USA. He worked as a senior designer for The Understanding Business and Barclays Global Investors, and organized cultural exhibitions and publications for the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. In 1993, he won a gold medal at the Morisawa Typeface Competition in Lancecerro. He is currently the head of Kame Design Studio, where he focuses on graphic design, type design, and … -
Kyuwon Park
He graduated from Hongik University and its graduate school. He served as the president of the Korea Brand Design Society, was an invited designer at the Korea Industrial Design Exhibition, and worked as an exchange professor at San Francisco State University. He also served as the dean of the College of Design and the dean of the Graduate School at Hanyang University, where he is currently a professor. His published works include Contemporary Package Design and Package Structure Design , among … -
Tak Hyeon-gyu
Graduated from the Department of History at Sogang University and earned a Ph.D. in Art History from the Graduate School of Korean Studies at the Academy of Korean Studies. Authored books include: Saimdang’s Garden , Conversations on Paintings , Reflections on Korean Paintings , A Study of the Triad Buddhist Paintings in the Joseon Dynasty . Currently serves as a researcher at the Kansong Art Museum and lectures at institutions including Seoul National University of Education, Gyeongin … -
Lee Seung-heon
Lee Seung-heon is a professor of interior architecture at Dongmyung University. He majored in architectural engineering at Dong-A University and earned his PhD from Pusan National University with a thesis on the meaning and expression of locality in architecture. He writes and lectures on various media for public understanding of architecture, and his research interests include the evolution of space and the aesthetics of weaving. He has worked as a planner and designer for ‘Reno House , …