Lee-Yil is an art critic who made a significant contribution to recognizing and establishing the concept of art criticism and review in the Korean art world from the 1960s to the 1990s. Born in 1932 in Gangseo, South Pyongan Province, Lee was a student at Seoul National University, where he was active as a literary youth, organizing the ‘Literature and Literature Society’ and appearing as a poet. After dropping out of college, he studied abroad in France in 1956, where he completed his studies in the history of French literature and art at the Sorbonne University and worked as a Paris correspondent for the Chosun Ilbo. In 1966, he returned to Korea and was appointed as a professor at Hongik University, and in 1968, he was appointed as a dedicated art writer for the Dong-A Ilbo. In 1969, he founded AG as a founding member of the Korean Avant-garde Association, and in 1970, in the preface to the exhibition AG Exhibition he gave a lucid interpretation of Korean contemporary art by proposing the theme of expansion and reduction which was later changed to reduction and diffusion and became a conceptual term representative of Lee-Yil’s art criticism.
He served as an international jury member of the International Printmaking Biennale in Tokyo (1972), Korean commissioner of the Paris Biennale (1975), international jury member of the Cagnes International Painting Festival in France (1977), Korean commissioner of the Venice Biennale (1995), steering committee member and jury member of the Seoul International Printmaking Biennale, Taipei International Printmaking Biennale, and Seoul International Art Festival, and president of the Korean Art Critics Association (1986-1992). He is the author of Trajectory of Contemporary Art (Donghwa Publishing Corporation, 1974), Genealogy of Western Art (API, 1992), Korean Art, Its Present Face (Spatial History, 1982), Perspectives on Contemporary Art (Mijin Book Company, 1985), Return and Diffusion in Contemporary Art (YeolhwaDang, 1991), The Adventure of Abstract Art (by Michel Lagong, Culture and Education Publishing House, 1965), The Birth of New Art (by Michel Lagong, Jeongneumsa, 1974), History of World Painting (by Louis Urtig, Joongang Ilbo Publishing House, 1974), History of Western Art (by H. W. Janson, Mijinsha, 1985). In 1986, he participated in the founding of the magazine Art Criticism (published by the Korean Art Critics Association), and in 1990, he was awarded the Order of Culture by the French Ministry of Culture. He passed away in January 1997, and was honored with the Order of the Archival Culture in 1999 and the Special Achievement Award of the International Art Critics Association (AICA) in 2014.
Lee Yil
다른 사람들
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서울과학기술대학교 기계시스템디자인공학과 교수. 2003년 LG전자에 입사한 뒤 다양한 모바일 UX/UI 개발 실무를 거치면서 LG전자 UI개발실 전략・기획 그룹장, SK텔레콤 UI기획팀 UX파트장을 역임했다. 2008년에는 Vinyl, DNA, PXD 등의 UI 전문회사들과 함께한 SK텔레콤의 스마트폰 OS UI개발을 총지휘하였고, 2009년부터는 현대기아자동차, LG전자, 삼성전자, SK플래닛 등과 대학 간에 다수의 UX/UI 과제를 수행하고 있다. 이러한 경험을 바탕으로 2010년부터는 T아카데미에서 모바일 UX/UI 기획 및 설계, 디자인전문가 과정 등을 강의하며 UX/UI 전문인력의 양성에 힘을 쏟아오고 있다. 성균관대 산업공학과에서 공학사 취득 후 KAIST에서 공학박사 (인지・인간공학 전공)를 취득했고 현재 UXPA협회 이사를 맡고 있다. 그동안 40여 편의 국내외 연구논문을 발표하였고 50여 개의 UI 특허를 출원・등록하였다. huhnkim@seoultech.ac.kr … -
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