Ahn Graphics


Saimdang’s Garden

사임당의 뜰


Looking at life while strolling through Saimdang’s Garden

Saimdang’s Garden is not concerned with the life of Saimdang, a virtuous wife and mother of Yulgok Yi. This book discusses her paintings and the message of life contained in the artistic sketchbooks she left behind. When it comes to questions like what constitutes the true allure of her paintings with grass and insects, or the reason that Saimdang is still very relevant today and that people still study her grass and insect paintings, the author says it is because of our interest and love for all living things. The book features 26 paintings by Saimdang and four paintings by Maechang, another notable female artist from the Joseon Dynasty. Of the 26 paintings in the book believed to be those of Saimdang are pieces from Gansong Art Museum, the National Museum of Korea, and Ojukheon Municipal Museum.

Tak Hyeon-gyu

Graduated from the Department of History at Sogang University and earned a Ph.D. in Art History from the Graduate School of Korean Studies at the Academy of Korean Studies. Authored books include: Saimdang’s Garden, Conversations on Paintings, Reflections on Korean Paintings, A Study of the Triad Buddhist Paintings in the Joseon Dynasty.
Currently serves as a researcher at the Kansong Art Museum and lectures at institutions including Seoul National University of Education, Gyeongin National University of Education, and Ewha Womans University.

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