Ahn Graphics

Korean Design History

한국의 디자인: 오리엔탈리즘에서 디자인 서울까지, 디자인의 정치사회사


A sociopolitical history of Korean design: from 1900s to 2010

This is the first book of its kind to deal with Korea’s design history from a very general point of view. Based on the unique features of Korean history, from the end of the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910) through to the Japanese ruling period (1910–1945), Korean Design includes unique stories of Korean design from each time period. Specifically, the book examines how design has closely developed alongside Korean society and looks at the history of design from a sociopolitical perspective. It also reexamines the direction in which Korean design should be moving in the future.

Kim Jong-kyun

Kim Jong-kyun graduated from Seoul National University with an undergraduate degree in Industrial Design and earned his doctor’s degree in Design from the same institution. He currently serves as an Administrative Officer at the Korean Intellectual Property Office. He is the author of several books, including Design in Korea and Design Wars, and has co-authored many others. Kim has published numerous papers on the history of Korean design, branding, and design intellectual property rights, and regularly contributes articles on design to various media outlets.
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