Ahn Graphics

Architectural Guide, Seoul


A foreigner’s unprejudiced view on Seoul’s architecture

This is an archive of 216 architectural structures in Seoul and nearby areas shown together with photos and a guidebook on Seoul through architecture. As a professional writer, critic, and architecture educator, Ulf Meyer discusses architecture in Seoul objectively and professionally from the point of view of someone who is not Korean. This allows readers to understand what the city of Seoul is like and the different ways in which it can be seen.

Ulf Meyer

Born in 1970 in Berlin, Germany. Writer, critic, and educator specializing in architecture. He studied architecture at the Technical University of Berlin(Germany) and the Illinois Institute of Technology(USA), worked at Inggenhofen Architects(Germany) and Shigeruban Architects(Japan), and was an architecture journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle(USA). He has published hundreds of articles on architecture and urban design in newspapers, magazines, and internet media in Europe and elsewhere. He has taught at Kansas State University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Damkang University in Taiwan. He currently lives in Berlin with his wife, Mao, and their two daughters, Dana and Nina. He is the author of Tokyo Architecture, Bauhaus Architecture, The Chinese City, and Cities of the Pacific Century, among other books.

Lee Ju-yeon

An architectural critic, journalist, and architectural culture planner. Former editor-in-chief of the architecture and design magazine 《SPACE》, and currently a contributing editor for the architectural critique journal 《(WIDE AR)》. Focuses on the social and public aspects of architecture, as well as its relationship with civil society and urban communities.

Lee Kyung-il

Architecture journalist. She majored in architecture at Seoul National University. He has worked as a reporter for Space, chief reporter for plus, editor-in-chief of bob, and editor-in-chief of Architecture Culture, and editor-in-chief of Architecture World, Interior World, and MADE.

Jeon Jeong-heui

Graduated with a degree in Architectural Engineering from Chungnam National University and earned a master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). After completing the publishing translation program at Geulbab Academy, she now works as a translator with Bareun Translation.
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