Ahn Graphics


Takaoka Masao


Born in Tokyo in 1957, Mr. Takaoka is the President of Kazui Kobo, a limited company. After graduating from Kokugakuin University’s Law Department, he joined his father, Takaoka Juzo’s company, Kazui Kobo, and has been in his current position since 1995.He learned Latin alphabet typesetting and typography from his father. From 1999-2001, he served as an advisor to printing museums and workshops and gave lectures and talks on Latin alphabet typesetting, typography, and corporate typefaces. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, UK, an advisor to the Monotype Company, and was recognized as a Shinjuku Monotsukuri Meister “Technical Master” in 2009 by the Shinjuku City, Tokyo. He is the author of the book Printing Museum Magazine (2001), co-author and editor of Printing Magazines and Their Times (2008), and The World’s Most Beautiful European Typefaces (2012).

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