Ahn Graphics


Kim Kwon-jin


He majored in visual design at Hongik University and was first introduced to photography through the photography club HIPS. In 2007, she started working as a commercial photographer and photographed many products such as Kerasis, Coway, and SWBK, as well as I Love You, Ji-seon (Munhakdongne), Seasonal Food Shop for Me (Panmidong), and Graphic (Propaganda). He started taking fashion photos while sharing an office with the fashion brand Brownbreath, and through a chance introduction to Cy Choi, he got to experience the high fashion world by working with her from F/W 2009 to S/S 2016. In addition to commercial photography, he has been documenting Korean street art since 2008 as a personal project, and published Street Art Seoul (Propaganda, 2014).

Kim Kwon-jin의 책

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