Fraser Muggeridge attended the University of Reading in the 1990s and studied in the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication. He worked for Sara Chapman at The Letter g before establishing his own studio in 2001. In 2010 he founded the annual Typography Summer School as a way to introduce students to the instruction he had enjoyed at Reading. He established a New York Summer School (in collaboration with Other Means) in 2013, adding a Los Angeles version in 2019. Muggeridge teaches widely, with lectureships in India, Belgium, Canada and Iceland. His studio, with Katie Evans, Michael Kelly, Kate Morrell, Joe Nava, Simon Rogers and Michela Zoppi, is based in London. He is also known for his personal, experimental work, often derived from the systems, processes and constraints of print production.
Fraser Muggeridge

다른 사람들
Prof. Lu Jingren is a book designer and illustrator. During the 1990s, he studied under Prof. Kohei Sugiura (杉浦康平) in Japan. In 1998 he established the Jingren Art Design Studio. He was senior art editor of the China Youth Publishing House. He is now a professor of the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University and a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI). Prof. Lu has received many book design awards at home and overseas, including the World’s Most Beautiful Book award …
Kim Won-young
She worked as a lawyer at the National Human Rights Commission of Korea and Law Firm Deoksu. Since 2013, she has been involved in performing arts research and creation, and since 2019, she has been directly participating in performances as a choreographer, playwright, and dancer. She has published books and papers dealing with disability and the relationship between human rights, art, and technology. She wrote books including Defense for the Disqualified (2018) and Becoming a Cyborg (2021), and … -
Ko Hyun-seon
Graphic designer at Toss. Plans and creates all visual aspects of Toss. She focuses on the visual consistency of Toss graphics by establishing and spreading a visual identity based on the emoji font “Toss Face”. -
Stanley Morison
Stanley Arthur Morison was a British typographer, printing executive and historian of printing. Largely self-educated, he promoted higher standards in printing and an awareness of the best printing and typefaces of the past. From the 1920s Morison became an influential adviser to the British Monotype Corporation, advising them on type design. His strong aesthetic sense was a force within the company, which starting shortly before his joining became increasingly known for commissioning popular, … -
Chung Yeon-shim
Chung Yeon-shim is professor of Art History and Theory (예술학과) at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea. She received her Ph.D. in art history at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Dr Chung’s research interests encompass both modern and contemporary Western and East Asian art. Before teaching at Hongik, Dr Chung was an assistant professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and a researcher for the exhibition The World of Nam June Paik at the Guggenheim … -
Kim Eun-hae
Born in Daegu, South Korea. She graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and earned his PhD from Charles University in Prague. She has taught Slavic languages and culture for many years at Yonsei University and Korea University. She has worked as an interpreter in the field of bilateral exchanges, including the Korea-Czech Republic summit. She fell in love with art, especially painting, when she realized that art is about human emotions such as desire, frustration, anger, and … -
Kim Tae-il
Professor at Jeju National University, School of Architecture. He graduated from Dong-A University and earned his master’s and doctoral degrees from Kyoto University in Japan. He worked as a researcher at the Longevity Social Organization in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, and as a manager of the Silver Division at Kyungnam Corporation. His specialty is senior facility planning, and his research focuses on community-based senior living environments. As a researcher on Jeju Island, he is … -
Hirano Kouga
Hirano Kouga graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design at Musashino Art University and worked in the PR department of Takashimaya before becoming a freelance graphic designer. Beginning in the 1960s, he actively participated in the underground theater scene, creating numerous posters. From 1964 to 1992, he was responsible for book design at Shobunsha Publishing, where he designed nearly all of its publications. His contributions earned him the Kodansha Publishing Culture … -
Choi Kyeong-hwa
Author of Portugal, Where Time Stands Still and A Walk Through Spanish Art Museums . She has also translated Korean-language guides for Spain’s renowned museums and landmarks, including the Prado Museum. Currently, she resides in Portugal. -
스위스 디자이너 오귀스탱 스코트 드 마르탱빌, 그레구아르 장모노, 엘릭 프티가 2004년에 시작한 디자인 스튜디오. 스위스 로잔예술대학교(ECAL)에서 친구로 만난 이들은 그들만의 견고한 팀워크와 낙관적 스타일로 실용적이면서 개성 있는 일상의 사물을 만들어낸다. 스위스디자인상, iF디자인상, 굿디자인상 등 다수의 상을 수상했으며 미국 뉴욕 현대미술관, 프랑스 파리 퐁피두센터, 벨기에 그랑오르뉘현대미술관, 스위스 로잔현대미술관에 소장되어 있다. 스위스국제항공, 에어프랑스 등을 비롯한 여러 항공사와 스웨덴 이케아(IKEA), 스위스 라도(RADO)와 네스프레소(Nespresso), 일본 가리모쿠(karimoku) 등 세계 여러 나라의 기업과 함께 일한다. -
Fiona Raby
Fiona Raby, of Dunne & Raby , is University Professor of Design and Social Inquiry at The New School in New York and a Visiting Distinguished Professor at the China Academy of Art (CAA) in Hangzhou. She was Professor of Industrial Design (id2) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna between 2011-2016 and was Reader in Design Interactions at the RCA between 2005-2015. She studied Architecture at the RCA before working for Kei’ichi Irie Architects in Tokyo. She also holds an MPhil … -
Kwak Yung-bin
He is an art critic and visiting professor at Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Communication, and holds a PhD from the University of Iowa, USA, with a “The origin of Korean Trauerspiel”. In 2015, he was awarded the inaugural SeMA-Hana Art Criticism Award, the first national art criticism award established by the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA). His recent publications include “The Blind Past and the Eternal Return of Global Civil War: Difference and Repetition in Omer Fasth …